BIT’s 5th Annual World Congress of Smart Materials-2019 (WCSM-2019)
★ Scientific Programme

BIT’s 5th Annual World Congress of

SmartMaterials -2019

Theme: Intelligent Upgrading for a Smart Future

Time: March 6-8, 2019

Venue: Rome, Italy


Scientific Program

Forum 1

Forum 2

Forum 3

Forum 4

Forum 5

Forum 6

Forum 7

Forum 8

Posters & Papers


Please Attention:
The below program are not confirmed version, the program will be changed according to the situation of each session before conference date. If any special requirements on the speech date, please contact the coordinator in advance. For the conference program layout, please click HERE.


Forum 7: Smart Composite Materials


Section 701: High-end Structural Metallic Material and Alloys
Time: 13:30-17:35, Mar. 6, 2019 (Wednesday)
Place: Room Scaligeri, Lower Floor, Sheraton Parco 1, Rome, Italy

Chair: Dr. Hiromi Miura, Professor, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan
Co-Chair: Dr. Luisa Marzoli, R & D Deputy Director, TRIMET Aluminium SE, Germany

Time FaceOn Speeches and Speakers

Title: Secure Your Supply Chain on Time

Dr. Jan Freerks Riecken, Senior Vice President Sales and Marketing, PPM Pure Metals GmbH, Germany

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Title: Fabrication of Ultrafine-grained and High-strength Mg Alloy Tube by MDF and Warm Extrusion
Dr. Hiromi Miura, Professor, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan

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Title: Unconventional Dynamics Showing Anti-aging in Ultra-stable Metallic Glasses
Dr. Federico Zontone,
Beamline Operations Manager, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France

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Title: The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme and the EU Long-Term Decarbonisation Strategy: Role of and Impact on the European Ferro-alloys Industry

Mrs. Iva Ganev, Director, EUROALLIAGES, Belgium

15:10-15:30 Coffee Break
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Title: Preliminary Study on Aluminium Rods for Fastener with very High Mechanical Properties

Dr. Luisa Marzoli, R & D Deputy Director, TRIMET Aluminium SE, Germany

Title: Tailoring of Glassy Structure in the Aspects of Relaxation State in Metallic Glasses
Dr. Junji Saida, Professor, Tohoku University, Japan

16:20-16:45 Title: TBD
Dr. Arvaidas Galdikas,
Professor, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Title: Surface Modification of Stainless Steel AISI 304 through a Thermochemical Treatment with Pastes of Cyanate Salts to Increase Their Resistance to Wear

Ms. Lizsandra Lopez Ojeda, Ph.D. Student, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico

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Title: Influence of Solidification Microstructure and Equal-Channel Angular Pressing Process on Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloy AZ131

Mr. Go Horikiri, Student, Doshisha University, Japan



Section 702: Smart Polymers--Part 1
Time: 08:30-11:45, Mar. 7, 2019 (Thursday)
Place: Room Manfredi, Lower Floor, Sheraton Parco 1, Rome, Italy

Chair:  Dr. Tuulamari Helaja, Vice President, Sustainable Energy and Chemical Technologies, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland

Co-Chair: Dr. Bansi L. Kaul, CEO, MCA Technologies GmbH, Switzerland

Time FaceOn Speeches and Speakers
08:30-08:55 Title: Chemistry of Biopolymers at VTT-case Cellulose
Dr. Tuulamari Helaja,
Vice President, Sustainable Energy and Chemical Technologies, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
08:55-09:20 Title: Functionalized Molecular Wires Based on Linked-[n]rotaxane Structure
Dr. Jun Terao,
Professor, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Title: Structure and Mobility of Polymer Chains in Cross-linked and Branched Polymers Studied by NMR

Dr. Tatiana Kulagina, Head, Laboratory of Theoretical Radiofrequency, Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, Russia

Title: Perfluoropolyethers with Metal Carboxylate End Groups: Super Anti-wetting Agent
Dr. Paul H. Kasai,
Technical Consultant, MORESCO Corporation, Japan

10:10-10:30 Coffee Break

Title: Some Recent Advances in the Fire Retardancy of Polymers for Cable and Connectors
Dr. Bansi L. Kaul,
CEO, MCA Technologies GmbH, Switzerland


Title: Molecularly Imprinted Polymers as Sensitive Materials in Microwave Sensors: Example of Fungicides Detection

Dr. Elias Bou-Maroun, Associate Professor, University of Burgundy, France



Title: Volume Phase Transition in poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylates) – Water Systems

Dr. Marcin Kozanecki, Lecturer, Lodz University of Technology, Poland


Section 702: Smart Polymers--Part 2
Time: 13:30-16:20, Mar. 7, 2019 (Thursday)
Place: Room Manfredi, Lower Floor, Sheraton Parco 1, Rome, Italy

Chair: Dr. Tuulamari Helaja, Vice President, Sustainable Energy and Chemical Technologies, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland

Co-Chair: Dr. Bansi L. Kaul, CEO, MCA Technologies GmbH, Switzerland

Time FaceOn Speeches and Speakers

Title: Soft Electroactive Polymers for Energy Harvesting

Dr. Alain Sylvestre, Professor, University Grenoble Alpes, France
13:55-14:20 Title: Functional Polymers for Advanced Packaging Solutions
Dr. Vacca Paolo,
R & D Manager, SAES Getters S.p.A., Italy
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Title: Tailored Polymers for 3-D Printing by Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
Dr. Christian Neuber,
Senior Research Scientist, University of Bayreuth, Germany


Title: Bio-composite Materials

Dr. Garip Genc, Lecturer, Marmara University, Turkey
15:10-15:30   Coffee Break
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Title: Synthesis and Properties of Some New Fluorinated Monomers and Polymers Prepared from Them

Mr. Alexander Sinko, Researcher, A. N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
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Title: Fundamental Investigation of Extensional Flow Effect on Dispersion: PP/SEBS Polymer Blends

Dr. Koki Matsumoto, Post-doctoral Fellow, Doshisha University, Japan

(Presented by Sho Omori)


Section 703: Carbon, Graphite, Graphene and Fullerenes
Time: 08:30-12:00, Mar. 7, 2019 (Thursday)
Place: Room Gonzaga, Lower Floor, Sheraton Parco 1, Rome, Italy

Chair: Dr. Recep Avci, Research Professor, Montana State University, USA

Time FaceOn Speeches and Speakers

Title: Using Graphene to Prevent Biocorrosion

Dr. Recep Avci, Director of ICAL, Montana State University, USA
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Title: Graphen on SiC: Growth, Characterization and Application
Dr. Alexander Lebedev, Head, Solid State Electronic Division, Ioffe Institute, Russia

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Title: Synthesis and Structure Control of 3-dimensional Graphene Network for Emerging Applications

Dr. Mineo Hiramatsu, Professor, Meijo University, Japan

10:00-10:30   Coffee Break

Title: Micro and Nano Structuring Carbon Materials and Development of Electronics Applications

Dr. Gemma Rius, Ramon y Cajal Researcher, Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona, Spain
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Title: Anticorrosive Coatings Containing Dual Active Agent Coated Carbon Nanotubes

Dr. Francois-Xavier Perrin, Associate Professor, Toulon University, France
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Title: Novel Graphene-based Carbon Materials

Dr. Liudmila Yolshina, Laboratory Head, Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry UB RAS, Russia



Section 704: Inorganic Non-metallic Materials
Time: 08:30-11:30, Mar. 7, 2019 (Thursday)
Place: Room Scaligeri, Lower Floor, Sheraton Parco 1, Rome, Italy

Chair: Dr. Mariarosa Raimondo, Group Leader, Institute of Science and Technologies for Ceramics, Italy

Co-Chair: Dr. Jurgen Neugebauer, Professor, University of Applied Sciences FH-Joanneum, Austria

Time FaceOn Speeches and Speakers

Title: Clayey Materials for the Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics for Architectural Purposes
Dr. M. Pilar Gomez-Tena,
Head, Physico-Structural Characterisation Laboratory, Instituto de Tecnologia Ceramica, Spain

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Title: Influence of Micro Cracks and Stress Distribution on Strength Test of Glass
Dr. Jurgen Neugebauer, Professor, University of Applied Sciences FH-Joanneum, Austria

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Title: C/C Materials: Mature and Polyvalent but Complex Materials
Mr. Patrick David,
Senior Scientist Expert, French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, France

10:00-10:30   Coffee Break

Title: Zeolite-based Composite Catalysts for Efficient Propylene Production from Light Hydrocarbons
Dr. Shinya Hodoshima,
Chief Researcher, Research & Development Center, Chiyoda Corporation, Japan

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Title: Study of Innovative Refractory Solutions for Improving Efficiency of Industrial Furnaces
Dr. Daniela Olevano,
Researcher, RINA CONSULTING - Centro Sviluppo Materiali S.p.A., Italy



Section 705: Soft Matter, Hydrogels and Phase Change Materials
Time: 08:30-10:10, Mar. 8, 2019 (Friday)
Place: Room Manfredi, Lower Floor, Sheraton Parco 1, Rome, Italy

Chair: Dr. Stoyan Gutzov, Professor, University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria

Time FaceOn Speeches and Speakers
08:30-08:50 Title: Smart Aerogel Composites for Optical Appilcations
Dr. Stoyan Gutzov,
Professor, University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria

Title: Smart Phase Sequence to Form a Thin Film of Surfactant Self-assembly from Hyper Internal Phase W/O Emulsion
Dr. Kei Watanabe,
Principal Researcher, Shiseido Global Innovation Center, Japan

09:10-09:30 Title: Mode Selection of Breakup of Falling Droplet in Miscible Solution
Dr. Michiko Shimokawa,
Assistant Professor, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan
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Title: Supercritical Water as Reaction Media

Dr. Thorsten Janisch, Researcher, Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, Germany
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Title: Evaluation of the Material Properties of PNIPAAm-DMAAm Hydrogel due to Increase in Phase Transition Temperature and by Synthesis under Low Temperature Environment

Dr. Kazuo Yagi, Director, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
10:10-10:30   Coffee Break



Section 706: Thin Films, Membranes, and Coatings
Time: 10:30-12:10, Mar. 8, 2019 (Friday)
Place: Room Manfredi, Lower Floor, Sheraton Parco 1, Rome, Italy

Chair: Dr. Mariarosa Raimondo, Senior Researcher & Group Leader, ISTEC CNR, Italy

Co-Chair: Dr. Jorge Morales Hernandez, Researcher, Research Center and Technology Development in Electrochemistry, Mexico

Time FaceOn Speeches and Speakers

Title: Polymer / Metallic Nanowires Composites for Highly Conductive Flexible Electrodes
Dr. Colette Lacabanne,
Emeritus Professor, Institut Carnot CIRIMAT Université Paul Sabatier, France

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Title: Industrial Materials: The Challenges for Biomimetic Smart Coatings
Dr. Mariarosa Raimondo,
Senior Researcher & Group Leader, ISTEC CNR, Italy


Title: Second Harmonic Generation in Mesostructured SIO2:DR1:CTAB Films as Function of the Incidenceangle
Dr. Jorge Garcia-Macedo,
Professor, National University Autonomous of Mexico, Mexico

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Title: Low Temperature Low Pressure Solid State Joining by Diffusion Control Using Ag/Sn Thin Film for 3DIC
Dr. Yoshiharu Iwata,
Associate Professor, Osaka University, Japan

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Title: Smart Coatings for Corrosion and Wear Control
Dr. Jorge Morales Hernandez, Researcher, Research Center and Technology Development in Electrochemistry, Mexico


Section 707: Structural Composite Materials
Time: 13:30-16:30, Mar. 8, 2019 (Friday)

Place: Room Manfredi, Lower Floor, Sheraton Parco 1, Rome, Italy

Chair: Dr. Selim M. Erhan, Global Commercial Development Manager, Archer Daniels Midland Company, USA

Co-Chair: Dr. Botero-Jaramillo Eduardo, Professor, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico

Time FaceOn Speeches and Speakers

Title: Evaluation of Friction and Wear Behavior of Bio-Derived Performance Additives

Dr. Selim M. Erhan, Global Commercial Development Manager, Archer Daniels Midland Industrial

Oils, USA

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Title: Unidirectional Tapes Made of Carbon Fibers and New High Temperature Polyamide
Dr. Gilles Hochstetter,
UD Tapes Technical Manager, Arkema, France

14:30-15:00 Title: the Construction of the Model Platform for a Shaking Table with a Composite Material based in Aramida and Wood
Dr. Botero-Jaramillo Eduardo
, Professor, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
15:00-15:30   Coffee Break
15:30-16:00 Title: Integrated Pneumatic Actuation for Compliant Adaptive Composite Materials
Ms. Anja Mader,
Research Associate, University of Stuttgart, Germany
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Title: A Cellular Bimorph – Poisson's Bimorph

Mrs. Spyridoula-Maria Papathanasiou, Ph.D. Candidate, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
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Title: Anomalous and Unpredictable Deformation of Ordinary Impulsively Loaded Plates, Shells and Beams
Dr. Nicholas Nechitailo,
Lead Engineer, NSWC(Naval Surface Warfare Center), USA



Section 708: Textile and Fiber Materials
Time: 13:30-15:10, Mar. 8, 2019 (Friday)

Place: Room Gonzaga, Lower Floor, Sheraton Parco 1, Rome, Italy

Chair: Prof. Manuela Braeuning, Professor, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, Germany

Time FaceOn Speeches and Speakers

Title: Evaluating and Improving the Wearing Comfort in Interlayer Areas of Clothing Systems with a Special Focus on Thermoresponsive Polymers
Prof. Manuela Braeuning,
Professor, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, Germany


Title: Wool Powder as Oxidation / Reduction Biomaterial - Decoloring Behavior of Hematein in Hematein / Wool Powder Mixed Solution
Dr. Kyohei Joko, Director, Sugiyama Jogakuen University, Japan


Title: Elucidation of Softening Mechanism in Rince Cycle Fabric Softeners
Ms. Takako Igarashi,
Senior Research Scientist, Kao Corporation, Japan

14:45-15:10 Title: Textile Body Sensing Solutions in Medical Research and Care
Dr. Elina Ilén,
Post Doctoral Researcher, Aalto University, Finland
15:10-15:30   Coffee Break


News Updates
Conference Schedule was Released
Conference Final Program was released
The WCAM-2020 will be held in Barcelona, Spain, during March 11-13, 2020
Hosting Organizations

BIT Congress Inc.


Murata Machinery, Ltd., Japan

SIA P&M-Invest Ltd., Russia

aixACCT Systems GmbH, Germany

Company List

NETZSCH-Feinmahltechnik, Germany

ViscoTec Pumpen- u. Dosiertechnik GmbH, Germany


Sion Power Corporation, USA

i-CORE Technology, LLC., USA

Arterius Ltd., UK

MCA Technologies GmbH, Switzerland

Cleanpart Group GmbH, Germany

Future-Shape GmbH, Germany

3DCeram, France

Kao Corporation, Japan

Trent Capital Management, USA

Official Travel Agency

BIT World Travel Service, Inc.

Media Partners

BIT's Upcoming Events

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