BIT’s 5th Annual World Congress of Smart Materials-2019 (WCSM-2019)
★ Scientific Programme

BIT’s 5th Annual World Congress of

SmartMaterials -2019

Theme: Intelligent Upgrading for a Smart Future

Time: March 6-8, 2019

Venue: Rome, Italy


Scientific Program

Forum 1

Forum 2

Forum 3

Forum 4

Forum 5

Forum 6

Forum 7

Forum 8

Posters & Papers


Please Attention:
The below program are not confirmed version, the program will be changed according to the situation of each session before conference date. If any special requirements on the speech date, please contact the coordinator in advance. For the conference program layout, please click HERE.


Forum 3: Smart Electronic Materials



Section 301: Flexible and Stretchable Electronics
Time: 08:30-10:00, Mar. 7, 2019 (Thursday)

Place: Room Malatesta, Lower Floor, Sheraton Parco 1, Rome, Italy

Chair: Prof. Manuela Braeuning, Professor, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, Germany

Time FaceOn Speeches and Speakers
08:30-09:00 ˵��: Melissa E. Grupen-Shemansky.jpg

Keynote Forum
Title: From Materials to Applications, the Collaborative Development of Flexible Electronics
Dr. Melissa Grupen-Shemansky,


Title: Evaluation of Cyber Security of Electronic Communication Systems in Smart Textiles
Prof. Manuela Braeuning,
Professor, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, Germany

09:30-10:00 ˵��: Philippe Guaino.jpg

Title: Printed Electronic and Device Integration on Metal

Dr. Guaino Philippe, Program Leader, CRM Group, Belgium

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break



Section 302: Integrated Circuit and Semiconductor
Time: 13:30-18:25, Mar. 7, 2019 (Thursday)
Place: Room Monaldeschi, Lower Floor, Sheraton Parco 1, Rome, Italy

Chair: Dr. Jenn-Gwo Hwu, Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Co-Chair: Dr. Paolo Rolandi, Quality Program Manager, STMicroelectronics, Italy

Time FaceOn Speeches and Speakers

Title: The Germanium-based Zener-Emitter – Fabrication, Characterization and CMOS-Integration
Dr. Joerg Schulze,
Professor & Head, Institute of Semiconductor Engineering, University of Stuttgart, Germany

13:55-14:20 ˵��: Jenn-Gwo Hwu.jpg

Title: Enhancement of Coupling Effect in Concentric Double MIS Tunnel Diodes with Local Oxide Thinning Mechanism
Dr. Jenn-Gwo Hwu,
Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

14:20-14:45 ˵��: Hiroshi Iwai.jpg

Title: Progress on the Gate Oxide Technologyfor CMOS Integrated Circuits
Dr. Hiroshi Iwai,
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

14:45-15:10 ˵��: 2017011215014573499.jpg


Title: Physics and Space Applications of Advanced Silicon Devices
Dr. Kazuyuki Hirose, Professor, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan


Coffee Break

15.30-15.55 ˵��: Friedhelm Herzog.jpg

Title: Cooling Concepts for Superconducting Electricity Cables and High Current Bus Bars
Dr. Friedhelm Herzog,
Senior Manager Application Technology, Messer Group GmbH, Germany

15:55-16:20 ˵��: 2017011215014573499.jpg Title: Electrochemical Phenomena in the Epoxy Compounds
Dr. Paolo Rolandi,
Quality Program Manager, STMicroelectronics, Italy
16:20-16:45 Title: The Surface Modification of Materials by Utilizing Ion Doping Process
Dr. Kyoichi Suguro,
Director, New Material Technology Laboratory and Environmental Energy Laboratory, Carlit Holdings Co., Ltd., Japan

Title: Instability of a Photocurrent in CdS Crystals in an Impurity Region Near-edge of Fundamental Absorption

Dr. Erdni Batyrev, Visiting Scientist, Kalmyk State University, Russia

17:10-17:35 ˵��: 2017011215014573499.jpg

Title: Growth of GaInN/GaN Multi-quantum Shells and GaN Nanowire for Advanced Optoelectronic Devices

Dr. Satoshi Kamiyama, Professor, Meijo University, Japan

Title: Novel Magnetic Random Access Memory, Voltage Control Spintronics Memory (VoCSM) for IoT to Cloud Applications

Dr. Shinobu Fujita, Senior Fellow, Toshiba Corporation, Corporate R & D Center, Japan
Title: Atmospheric Pressure Thermal Plasma Jet Oxidation for 4H-SiC
Dr. Hiroaki Hanafusa,
Assistant Professor, Hiroshima University, Japan



Section 303: Electronic &Advanced Packaging Materials and Technology
Time: 13:30-15:10, Mar. 7, 2019 (Thursday)
Place: Room Montefeltro, Lower Floor, Sheraton Parco 1, Rome, Italy

Chair: Dr. Mauro Riva, Business Manager, Functional Chemicals, Solutions for Electronics Devices, SAES Getters S.p.A., Italy

Time FaceOn Speeches and Speakers
13:30-13:55 ˵��: Mauro Riva.jpg

Title: Avoiding Moisture Harm in Flexible Electronics, Using a Functional Chemicals based Packaging
Dr. Mauro Riva,
Business Manager, Functional Chemicals, Solutions for Electronics Devices, SAES Getters S.p.A., Italy

13:55-14:20 ˵��: 2017011215014573499.jpg

Title: Reliability Scaling of Nanoscale High-Speed Avalanche Photodiodes in Fiber-Optics

Dr. Jack Jia-Sheng Huang, Senior R & D Scientist, Source Photonics, USA


Title: Ultra-Low Modulus Silicone Die-Attach Film for Sensors and Actuators Packaging
Dr. Thomas Seldrum,
TS & D Scientist, DOW Silicones Belgium sprl, Belgium

14:45-15:10 ˵��: 2017011215014573499.jpg  

Title: Thermo-mechanical Reliability and Microstructural Morphology of Sintered Ag Joints Containing Low CTE Non-metal Additives for Die Attach

Dr. Guangyu Fan, Research Chemist, Indium Corporation of America, USA
15:10-15:30   Coffee Break


Section 304: Magnetic and Multiferroic Materials
Time: 08:30-11:45, Mar. 8, 2019 (Friday)
Place: Room Malatesta, Lower Floor, Sheraton Parco 1, Rome, Italy

Chair: Dr. Amos Bardea, Head, Undergraduate Program, Holon Institute of Technology-HIT, Israel
Co-Chair: Dr. Masaaki Niwa, Professor, Tohoku University, Japan

Time FaceOn Speeches and Speakers

Title: Ferromagnetic Nano-conductive Filament Formed in Ni/TiO2/Pt Resistive-switching Memory
Dr. Shoso Shingubara,
Professor, Kansai University, Japan

08:55-09:20 ˵��: Amos Bardea.png

Title: Novel Approach of Backside Lithography Using Dynamic Magnetic Mask
Dr. Amos Bardea, Head, Undergraduate Program, Holon Institute of Technology-HIT, Israel

09:20-09:45 ˵��: Akimasa Sakuma.png

Title: Microscopic Theory on the Effects of Chemical Disorder on the Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy Energy of L10-type Alloys

Dr. Akimasa Sakuma, Professor, Tohoku University, Japan

Title: Spintronic Applications of Hybrid Structures Consisting of 2D Materials and Single Molecule Magnets

Dr. Jacek A. Majewski, Professor, University of Warsaw, Poland
10:10-10:30 Coffee Break

Title: Magnetic Tunnel Junction for STT-MRAM - Structural Analysis and Interface Control
Dr. Masaaki Niwa,
Professor, Tohoku University, Japan


Title: Lanthanide impurities in Wide Bandgap Semiconductors: A Possible Roadmap for Spintronic Devices

Dr. Glaura Caroena, Assistant Professor, Federal University of South and Southeast of Pará, Brazil


Title: Origin of Interfacial Ferromagnetism between Perovskite Oxides Lanio3 and Lamno3 Studied by Synchrotron-Radiation Spectroscopy
Dr. Miho Kitamura,
Postdoctoral Fellow, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, The University of Tokyo, Japan



Section 305: Novel Superconductors
Time: 14:50-16:30, Mar. 8, 2019 (Friday)
Place: Room Malatesta, Lower Floor, Sheraton Parco 1, Rome, Italy

Chair: Dr. Noriko Chikumoto, Professor, Chubu University, Japan

Time FaceOn Speeches and Speakers
14:50-15:15 ˵��: Israel Felner.jpg

Title: (i) Search for New High Tc Superconductors and (ii) unusual Irreversible Magnetic Behavior in Three Unrelated Materials
Dr. Israel Felner, Professor, "Racah" Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel

15:15-15:40 ˵��: Noriko Chikumoto.jpg

Title: Development and the Performance Test of Superconducting DC Cable System
Dr. Noriko Chikumoto,
Professor, Chubu University, Japan


Title: High Temperature Superconducting Transmission Cable Project in Japan
Ms. Naoko Nakamura, Senior Engineer, MAYEKAWA MFG. CO., JTD., Japan

16:05-16:30 ˵��: 2017011215014573499.jpg Title: Transition Temperature Versus Formula Mass of Selected high-TC Oxide Superconductors for the Search of the room Temperature Superconductivity
Dr. Kaman Singh, Professor, University of Lucknow, India


News Updates
Conference Schedule was Released
Conference Final Program was released
The WCAM-2020 will be held in Barcelona, Spain, during March 11-13, 2020
Hosting Organizations

BIT Congress Inc.


Murata Machinery, Ltd., Japan

SIA P&M-Invest Ltd., Russia

aixACCT Systems GmbH, Germany

Company List

NETZSCH-Feinmahltechnik, Germany

ViscoTec Pumpen- u. Dosiertechnik GmbH, Germany


Sion Power Corporation, USA

i-CORE Technology, LLC., USA

Arterius Ltd., UK

MCA Technologies GmbH, Switzerland

Cleanpart Group GmbH, Germany

Future-Shape GmbH, Germany

3DCeram, France

Kao Corporation, Japan

Trent Capital Management, USA

Official Travel Agency

BIT World Travel Service, Inc.

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