WCAB 2023 | Dalian, China

Welcome Message

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is a great pleasure for us to invite you to participate as speaker, sponsor, exhibitor and/or attendee of World Congress of Agriculture Biotechnology 2023 (WCAB-2023). With the theme "Seeking Powerful Solution to Feed 10 Billion People toward 2050", WCAB-2023 will take place during April 25-29, 2023 in Dalian, China.

We expected 100+ presentations, 20+ posters during the event, focus on the topics of Territorial Regional Plans for Future Agro Biotechnology, Innovative Agricultural Biotech R & D, Crop Biotechnology, Plant and Forestry Biotechnology etc. These presentations will identify or offer solutions to problems, utilize case studies, identify knowledge gaps or collaboration opportunities, and discuss broader applications and implications of material presented. This conference will be an outstanding experience, both scientifically and socially. Except to enjoy the excellent meeting, you can also enjoy the local natural scenery, culture and delicious food.

In addition to the exciting program, you will be able to enjoy the culture and sights of Dalian. Dalian is a beautiful, modern and bustling city in Northern China. It has gorgeous parks and a lovely surrounding coastline, furthermore, the city is famous for seafood as well, and spring is the most pleasant season for a visit. Beyond above, there would be also an opportunity to travel to other Chinese cities and present lectures.

Lastly, we hope you not miss this historical initiation and actively join us with your great passion and contributions. Hope to see you in Dalian to find more information about the ongoing vaccine research, so that together we will succeed in overcoming the major issues of mankind for the betterment of the society as a whole.

Sincerely Yours,

Dr. Xiaodan Mei
Executive Chair
President of BIT Congress Inc., China

Hosting Organization

Information Research Center of International Talent, Ministry of Science and Technology, China
Operating Organization

BIT Congress Inc.
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