★ Scientific Programme

Smart Materials-2023

Time: March 15-17, 2023

Venue: Barcelona, Spain



Scientific Program

Stream 1

Stream 2

Stream 3

Stream 4

Stream 5

Poster & Paper

Stream 6

Stream 7

Stream 8

Stream 9

Stream 10


Please Attention:
The below program are not the confirmed version, the program will be mini changed according to the situation of each session before conference date. For the conference program layout, please click HERE


Stream 5: Smart Materials for Energy and Environment



Session 501: Frontiers in Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells

Time: 13:30-17:35, March 15, 2023  

Place: Catalonia Barcelona Plaza


Dr. Stefan Koerner, Group Leader, "Thick-film Technology and Functional Printing", Fraunhofer IKTS, Germany


Ms. Donna Vareha-Walsh, Director of Metals Business Unit, Indium Corporation, USA


Title: Search for Materials for a Smart Cover on a Solar Collection and Radiative Cooling Combined System

Dr. Marc Medrano, Full Professor, University of Lleida, Spain


Title: Influence of the Glass on Silver Transport Phenonema in Metallization Pastes for mc- solar Cells

Dr. Stefan Koerner, Group Leader, "Thick-film Technology and Functional Printing", Fraunhofer IKTS, Germany

14:20-14:45 Title: Electrolysis - An Efficient, Affordable and Sustainable Means of Producing Hydrogen
Dr. Hemant Kumar Mulmudi,
Founder & Director, BM Renewables Pvt Ltd, Australia
14:45-15:10 Title: TBD
Dr. Panos Datskos, Scientist, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). USA


Coffee Break


Title: Negative Capacitance in Pb-Sn Perovskites

Dr. Parameswar Hari, Professor, University of Tulsa, USA
15:55-16:20 Title: Recent Advances in Fullerene Free Organic Solar Cells: Materials and Device Optimization
Ganesh D. Sharma,
Professor & Dean (Research and Development), The LNM Institute of Information Technology, Deemed University, India


Title: Control of Nitrogen Distibution in Type-I and Type-II GaAsSbN Superlattices for Solar Cell Devices
Dr. T. Ben,
Senior Lecture, University of Cadiz, Spain


Speech Opportunity Available


Title: PV Panels Laminated by Polysiloxane Gel for Very Low-60°C and Very High +115°C Operating Temperatures

Dr. Vladislav Poulek, Czech University of Life Sciences, Czech Republic



Session 502: Advanced Batteries and Fuel Cells

Time: 08:30-12:10, March 16, 2023

Place: Catalonia Barcelona Plaza


Dr. Gao Liu, Group Leader, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA


Call for Co-Chair


Title: Design of Magnesium Halide Complex for Magnesium Battery Electrolyte

Dr. Egashira Minato, Professor, Nihon University, Japan


Title: Supported Vacuum-Insulations - A Highly Efficient Structure for Applications in Electric Cars as Well as in Building Constructions

Dr. Jobst H. Kerspe, CEO, TEB Dr. Kerspe, Germany


Title: Lithium Recovery from Used Li-ion Batteries by Innovative Dialysis using a Lithium Ionic Conductor Membrane

Dr. Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Senior Principal Researcher, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, Japan


Title: Nanoscale Mass Transport Phenomena of Reactants in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells
Dr. Takashi Tokumasu,
Professor, Tohoku University, Japan


Coffee Break


Title: TBD
Dr. Gao Liu,
Group Leader, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA


Title: TBD
Dr. Jacek Ulanski,
Professor, Technical University of Lodz, Poland


Title: Environmental Effect of Li-battery Composition
Dr. Grazyna Simha Martynkova, Associate Professor, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic


Speech Opportunity Available



Session 503: Materials and Technologies for Energy Conversion, Storage and Transport

Time: 13:30-17:10, March 16, 2023  

Place: Catalonia Barcelona Plaza


Dr. Wim Soppe, Senior Scientist, TNO – Solliance, the Netherlands


Call for Co-Chair

13:30-13:55 Keynote Speech
Dr. Mohammed M. Farid,
Professor, The University of Auckland, New Zealand


Title: Multiphysical Transducer Mix in an Energy Harvesting Scenario
Professor, University of Grenoble Alpes, France


Title: Crosslinked Research on Solar Cells and Li-ion Batteries at TNO – Solliance

Dr. Wim Soppe, Senior Scientist, TNO – Solliance, the Netherlands


Title: Boost Converter for Smart Material Energy Converters

Dr. Juan-Mario Gruber, Head, Research Group Energy Autarkic Systems, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland


Coffee Break


Title: SnTe Thermoelectric Materials: Last Advances

Dr. Bertrand Lenoir, Professor, University of Lorraine, France

Title: New Ferroic Material for Heat Storage

Dr. Barbara G. Rolon, Laboratory Head, University of Guanajuato, Mexico


Speech Opportunity Available


Title: New Electrode Materials for Energy Storage Devices- Battery Applications and Electrochemical Sensors for the determination of Food Matrices and Pharmaceutical Products

Dr. Chrys Chikere, Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Pharmacy and Life Science, Robert Gordon University, UK



Session 504: Clean Energy

Time: 08:30-12:10, March 17, 2023

Place: Catalonia Barcelona Plaza


Call for Chair


Call for Co-Chair


Keynote Speech
Economics and Material Requirements of Energy Transition
Dr. Lars Schernikau,
President, HMS Bergbau Singapore; Co-founder of IchorCoal and HMS Bergbau, Germany


Speech Opportunity Available


Title: TBD
Dr. Harpreet Kaur,
Assistant Professor, Chandigarh University, India


Speech Opportunity Available



Session 505: Functional Materials for Environment and Water Treatment

Time: 13:30-17:10, March 17, 2023  

Place: Catalonia Barcelona Plaza


Call for Chair


Call for Co-Chair


Title: Smart Coatings: Degradation of Priority Pollutants on TiO2 based Photocatalysts in indoor and outdoor Environments-Principles and Mechanisms

Dr. Dimitrios Kotzias, Former Senior Official of the European Commission, Head of Unit, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Italy


Title: Application of Deep Eutectic Solvent as Green Solvents in Wastewater Treatment
Dr. Inas M. AlNashef,
Professor, Khalifa University, UAE


Title: TBD
Dr. Elizabete Campos de Lima, Professor, Federal University of ABC, Brazil


Speech Opportunity Available


Hosting Organization

National Foreign Experts Databank of MOST (Dalian Branch)

Supporting Organization
Media Partners

Comments on WCSM Events

I enjoyed the conference and city of Rome. The conference involves wide variety of topics with many especially companies. It was exciting to me. I hope WCSM-2023 will be successful one.

---- Dr. Masaaki Niwa, Japan


Thank you for the wonderful conference which you and your team had organized in Osaka Japan. The talks were of really high quality and the opportunity to network amongst the participants was very beneficial.

----Dr. Brando Okolo, Germany


Thank you very much for having given me the chance to attend the high quality conference. Frankly, your organization is quite good which is above the level of most international conferences which I have attended so far. One suggestion is that in the future, it is better not to include most activities on Saturday and Sunday since the western men think the weekends belongs to personal free time.

-- Dr. Bao-Yu Zong, Singapore


It was a beautiful conference, very well organized and managed! I really have only words of appreciation! It was a very distinguished group of personalities and I am most honored to have been selected to be a part of. Thanks to you, I also had the extraordinary opportunity to visit Japan!

----Dr. Ana Maria Dabija, Romania


It was a real pleasure for me to participate in WCSM. It was my first visit to Japan, and I was very impressed by this country. Congress was organized very well. Thank you. I look forward to attending your future meeting in Rome.

----Dr. Sergey Nikitenko, France


Thank you for your kind email. It was a pleasure to be invited to your congress and really a great honour attend it with so such learned scientists. Actually I don't think you need my suggestions because everything went well. I am so happy you had chosen Italy for the next congress.



I really enjoyed very much this conference and all of the interesting topics included in the program. Thank you for the expert organisation of the event.

---Dr. Rita Skoda-Földes, Hungary


I would like to thank you again for the excellent conference. Everything was organized exceptionally well. Thank you.

I look forward to attending your future conferences. Please keep me posted.

---Dr. Reza Abbaschian, USA


I would like to thank you for your kind email. In my humble opinion, the conference was very organized. The only suggestion I would provide is that the speakers to have a portable microphone. That will help projecting their voice all the time even if they are explaining things on the screen.

--- Dr. Adel Alhalawani, Canada


We enjoyed the BKK conference very much. It was one of the most well-organized conferences which we had attended. This year the poster session was improved compared with that in the Singapore conference. Although we found some very interseting posters, we could not contact and discuss with the authors.

--- Dr. Hitoshi Kunoh, Japan


It was a pleasure attending to Smart Materials 2016, to visit Singapore and to be with my family. I really enjoyed it.

Regarding the congress, I enjoyed it very much, in special the session of my communication, and I learnt a lot. I only have to point the strong air conditioning. The room temperature was too low. Once I had to go outside to become warm! But it seems that is usual in Singapore.

--- Dr. Sofia Capelo, Portugal

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