BIT’s 12th World Congress of
Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cell
Theme: Shaping a New Hope for the Cure
Time: December 7-9, 2018
Place: Xi’an, China
Preliminary Program |
Stream 1: Main Conference
Part 1: Opening Ceremony
Part 2: Keynote Forum
Stream 2: Scientific Program
Forum 1: Global Strategy, Policy, Regulatory, Ethic, Limits and Challenges
Forum 2: Frontier Researches of Stem Cell
Session 201: Advances in Stem Cell Biology
Session 202: Stem Cell Development, Differentiation and Maintenance
Session 203: Stem Cell Regulation and Signal Transduction
Session 204: Stem Cells and Microenvironment (Stem Cell Niche)
Session 205: Cancer Stem Cell
Session 206: Mesenchymal Stem Cell
Session 207: Reprogramming and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Session 208: Stem Cell Biomarkers
Session 209: Hematopoietic Stem Cell
Forum 3: Novel Technologies and Tools
Session 301: Modeling, Analysis Technologies and Computational Stem Cell Biology
Session 302: Diagnostic & Imaging Technologies
Session 303: Organ-on-chips
Session 304: CRISPR/Gene Editing
Forum 4: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Session 401: Stem Cell Transplantation
Session 402: Tissue Engineering and 3D Printing
Session 403: Stem cell Preparation , Stem Cell Bio Banking & Tissue Preservation
Session 404: Advanced Materials in Regenerative MedicineSession 405: Biomaterials Scaffolds
Session 406: Bone, Oral and Craniofacial Tissues Repair and regeneration
Session 407: Skin, Cartilage, Tendon and Connective Tissue regeneration
Session 408: Anti-Aging , Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery
Session 409: Tissue & Organ Regeneration, Repair and Reconstruction
Session 410: New Biomaterials
Session 501: Stem Cell for Drug Discovery
Session 502: Stem Cell for Cardiovascular Diseases
Session 503: Stem Cell for Neurodegenerative Diseases and other Nervous System Diseases
Session 504: Stem Cell for the Treatment of Diabetes, Eye Diseases and Liver Diseases
Session 505: The Animal Models for Preclinical Assessment of Stem Cell Therapies
Session 506: Stem Cell for Other Common Diseases
Session 507: Immunotherapy and CAR-T
Session 508: Gene Therapies and Cellular Therapies
Session 509: Stem Cell Translational Medicine
Forum 6: Young Scientists Forum
Stream 3: International Cord Blood Summit Forum
Topic 1: Cord Blood Processing, Testing & Storage
Topic 2: Cord Blood Bank Data Management
Topic 3: Cord Blood Diagnostics
Topic 4: Cord Blood Transplantation and Disease Treatment
Topic 5: Cord Blood Application Technology
Stream 4: Posters and Exhibition
Stream 5: Social and Cultural Activities
Activity 1: Ice-Breaking Party
Activity 2: Welcome Banquet and Cultural Shows
Activity 3: Luncheon Showcase
Activity 4: Industrial Sponsored Cocktail Party
Activity 5: Lecture Tours to Campus
Activity 6: Field Trip to Industrial Parks
Activity 7: Farewell Party and Closing Ceremony
Activity 8: Xi’an Impression Tech-Tour