★ Program Layout

The 12thAnnual International Congress of

Gynaecology and Obstetrics


Time: June 18-20, 2025

Venue: Stockholm, Sweden


Preliminary Program

Track 1: Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum

Part 1: Opening Ceremony

Part 2: Keynote Forum

Track 2: Scientific Program

Forum 1: Advanced Gyn/Ob Diagnosis and Surgery

Session 101: Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)

Session 102: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning in Imaging and Diagnostics

Session 103: Point-of-care Diagnostics

Session 104: 3D/4D Ultrasound Imaging

Session 105: Liquid Biopsy

Session 106: Innovation in Gynaecological Endoscopy

Session 107: Microbiome Analysis

Session 108: Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery

Session 109: Robotic-assisted Surgery

Session 110: Telemedicine and Digital Health Solutions

Forum 2: General Gynecology

Session 201: Endometriosis and Fertility

Session 202: Menopause Management

Session 203: Pelvic Floor Disorders

Session 204: Vulvovaginal Health

Session 205: Paediatric and Adolescent Gynecology

Session 206: Sexual Health and Wellness

Forum 3: Gynecologic Oncology

Session 301: Ovarian Cancer

Session 302: Cervical Cancer

Session 303: Breast Cancer

Session 304: Immunotherapy for Gynecologic Cancers

Session 305: Precision Medicine in Gynecological Cancers

Session 306: Targeted Therapy in Gynecologic Cancer

Forum 4: Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Session 401: Precision Medicine in Pregnancy

Session 402: High-Risk Pregnancy Management

Session 403: Drug Management During Pregnancy

Session 404: Gestational Diabetes Screening and Management

Session 405: Reproductive Psychiatry and Mental Health Disorders in Pregnancy

Session 406: Optimizing Nutrition for Maternal and Fetal Health

Session 407: Placental Disorders and Abnormalities

Session 408: Preterm Birth Prevention

Session 409: Spontaneous Abortion and Miscarriage

Session 410: Fetal Therapy for Congenital Anomalies

Forum 5: Obstetric Medicines

Session 501: Obstetric Anesthesia and Pain Management

Session 502: Obstetric Hemorrhage Prevention and Management

Session 503: Obstetric Trauma and Perineal Lacerations

Session 504: Obstetric Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Management

Forum 6: Reproductive Medicine

Session 601: Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

Session 602: Endometriosis Management

Session 603: Fibroids and Uterine Leiomyomas

Session 604: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Session 605: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Assisted Reproductive Technologies

Session 606: Stem Cells and Reproductive Diseases

Session 607: Egg Freezing and Fertility Preservation

Session 608: Contraception and Family Planning

Forum 7: Environment, Metallomics and Human Reproduction

Track 3: Posters and Exhibition

Part 1: Posters

Part 2: Exhibition

Track 4: Social and Cultural Activities

Activity 1: Welcome Banquet and Art Performance

Activity 2: Local Impression Tech-Tour


Speakers Registration
News Released

● Speaking Proposals are Now being Accepted, Submit the Abstract Right Now

● REGISTER NOW to secure your attendance

● Program will be released soon

● Call for co-organizers, supporting organizations

● Call for collaborative partners, media and journal

● Call for exhibitors, and posters

Hosting Organization

World High Technology Society

Supporting Organizations

RECOOP HST Association


World Pharma Today

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