Highlights of the Conference

● One Plenary Forum Addresses by a Panel of Prominent Leaders
● 8 Parallel Meetings in the Field of Biomedicine
● 20+ High Profile Breakout Sessions across 3-Days Conference
● 100+ Oral Presentations Covering Hot Topics and Cutting-Edge Technology
● 300+ Attendees from Across the Globe for Unrivalled Network in Building up a High-end International Conference Brand, Promoting Scientific Exchanges, Cooperative Development, and Establishing a Marketing platform
● Tech Tour to Famous Spots

Conference Introduction

Initiated from 2012, International Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (ICGO) has been successfully organized for 11 times. And it has attracted more than 2000 participants from over 50 countries and regions in the previous years. The 12th ICGO, which will be held during June 18-20, 2025 at Stockholm, Sweden, is a dedicated event where you will have the opportunity to learn about new developments in the field of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and share aspects of your own work. Exciting programs will broadly cover basic research, advanced technology and clinical therapy. After the scientific program, you will also have a chance to experience some of this city’s best attractions as well as learning about the country’s captivating history. Wish you enjoy the conference.

Keynote Speakers of 2025 Event
Dr. Jesper Lau,
Vice President, Protein and Peptide Chemistry, Novo Nordisk A/S, Denmark
Dr. Laszlo Takacs,
Professor, University of Debrecen; CEO/CSO Biosystems Immunolab Zrt, Hungary; Foreign Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Paul A. Insel,
Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology and Medicine, Co-Director, Medical Scientist (MD/PhD) Training Program, University of California San Diego, USA

Dr. Megan Gibbs,
Vice President, Global Head of Clinical Pharmacology and Quantitative Pharmacology, AstraZeneca, USA
Dr. Hans-Jürgen Federsel,
Senior Advisor, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Sweden; Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences
Dr. Gerhard Wagner,
Professor, Harvard Medical School, USA; Member of the National Academy of Sciences
Dr. Eyal Talor,
Chief Scientific Officer, CEL-SCI Corporation, USA; Johns Hopkins, Medical Institutions, USA

Renowned Speakers of This Event
Dr. Leslie C. Griffin,
Professor, University of Nevada, USA
Dr. Stefen Hansson,
Professor, Lund University Hospital, Sweden
Dr. Øjvind Lidegaard,
Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Dr. Thomas J. Vogl,
Professor and Chairman, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Germany
Dr. Roberto Gramignoli,
Associate Professor, Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Dr. Ozlem Guzeloglu-Kayisli,
Assistant Professor, University of South Florida, USA
Dr. Bente Juhl,
Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark
Dr. Fabio Roberto Ruiz de Moraes
Professor, UFT - Federal University of Tocantins, Brasil
Dr. Ziyan Jiang
Professor, First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, China
Dr. Yoon Ha Kim,
Professor, Chonnam National University Medical School, Korea
Dr. Raj Raghupathy
Professor, College of Medicine, Kuwait University, Kuwait
Dr. Luiz Fernando Lopes
Director, Barretos Children´s Cancer Hospital, Brazil
Dr. Nicolae Bacalbașa,
Associate Professor, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania
Dr. Alex C. Vidaeff,
Professor, Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Dr. Hena Kausar
Gynaecologist, Rainbow/Aakash Hospital, India
Dr. Yu Liu,
Professor, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, China
Dr. Jinshi Chen
First Affiliated Hospital of Gannan Medical University, China
Dr. Masato Nishida,
Kasumigaura Medical Center, Japan
Renowned Speakers of ICGO-2024
Dr. William H. Kutteh,
Director, Fertility Associates of Memphis, USA
Dr. Sandor G. Vari,
Director, International Research and Innovation in Medicine Program, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USA; President, RECOOP HST Association, Hungary
Dr. Christos E. Constantinou,
Professor, Stanford University Medical School, USA
Dr. Young Ju Kim,
Professor, Ewha Womans University, South Korea
Dr. Uri Elkayam,
Professor, University of Southern California, USA
Dr. Riccardo Superina,
Professor of Surgery, Northwestern University, USA
Dr. Peter L Nagy,
Chief Medical Officer, Praxis Genomics LLC, USA
Dr. Mahshid Nickkho-Amiry,
Consultant Gynaecologist, Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Dr. Sue M. Lai,
Director, University of Kansas Medical Center, USA
Dr. Aysegul A. Sahin,
Professor, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Dr. Jing Sun,
Professor, Griffith University, Australia
Dr. Vanja Kaliterna,
Head of Department, Teaching Institute of Public Health of Split and Dalmatia County, Croatia
Dr. Ylva Vladic Stjernholm,
Associate Professor, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Dr. Rodrigo Orozco Fernández,
Hospital QuirónSalud, Spain
Dr. Shujie Yang,
Assistant Professor, University of Iowa, USA
Renowned Speakers of ICGO-2023
Dr. Gregory A. Buck
Professor Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Dr. Benedict M. Guevin
Professor Saint Anselm College, USA
Dr. Dagmar Orthmann Bless,
Professor University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Dr. Subhashini Ladella
Clinical Professor University of California San Francisco, USA.
Dr. Mali A. Mann
Professor American Society of Reproductive Medicine, American Psychoanalytic Association, USA
Dr. Shikha Bose
Clinical Professor Cedars Sinai Medical Center, USA
Dr. Nira Ben-Jonathan
Professor Emeritus University of Cincinnati, USA
Dr. Pierre-Yves Robillard
Physician Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sud-Reunion, France
Dr. Pierre Lingier
Professor Hopital Erasme Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Dr. Hirokazu Abe
Chief Department of Urology, Kameda Medical Center, Japan
Dr. Peter Kovacs
Medical Director Kaali Institute IVF Center, Hungry
Dr. Lennart Blomqvist
Gynecologist University of Gothenburg, Sodra Alvsborg Hospital, Sweden
Dr. Tereza Smrhova Kovacs
Clinic of Plastic and Esthetic Surgery, Czech Republic
Dr. Fabio Ruiz Moraes
Professor Federal University of Tocantins, Brazil
Dr. Yoon Ha Kim
Professor Chonnam National University Medical School, South Korea
Dr. Marek J. Langner
Professor Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland
Dr. Pavel Brychta
Professor Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic
Dr. Milan Perovic
Associate Professor University of Belgrade, Serbia
Introduction to Conference City

Stockholm, the largest city in Scandinavia, effortlessly intertwines a rich history and stunning nature with the cultural sophistication, modern architecture, and dynamic attitudes of a thriving metropolis. This unique blend is enhanced by the omnipresence of water, adding an extra layer of charm.

Speakers Registration
News Released

● Speaking Proposals are Now being Accepted, Submit the Abstract Right Now

● REGISTER NOW to secure your attendance

● Program will be released soon

● Call for co-organizers, supporting organizations

● Call for collaborative partners, media and journal

● Call for exhibitors, and posters

Hosting Organization

World High Technology Society

Supporting Organizations

RECOOP HST Association


World Pharma Today

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