The 4th International Congress of Genetics (ICG-2021)

Welcome Message

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is a great pleasure for us to invite you to participate as delegate, sponsor and/or as exhibitor of the 4th International Congress of Genetics (ICG-2021), and its joint events.

ICG had been successfully organized in Dalian and Xi'an. To updating the frontiers of genetics, ICG-2021 comes to Dalian again. We believe worldwide scientists and biotech entrepreneurs in bioscientific fields will create huge opportunities for the famous Chinese City by showcasing the growth and breakthrough of genetics at a time when so many new therapies and diagnostic evaluations are available. The conference has broad public support and has the additional goal of spreading and increasing the understanding of modern biological sciences among the lay public. The idea exchanges are always helpful for generating positive impact on propelling the regional advancement of science and technology. Your sharing common interests in our community would definitely make contributions to improving the quality of life and accelerate the bio-economy growth by using genetics for next wave industrial revolution. We welcome you to Dalian to share ideas, discover innovations and develop new business opportunities.

The venue adds an important attraction to the congresses. Dalian is a beautiful city with an excellent climate and unparalleled hospitality. It is the flagship city of the wealthiest region of China, leader in economy, art, design, industry and lifestyle, a must visit for travelers and an endless source of inspiration. September-the end of hot summer and the beginning of cool autumn. A few white and thin clouds float in the clear blue sky, the autumn fresh air mix with the light breeze of the sea fragrance. we cordially invite to join a Tech Tour to experience traditional Chinese culture, and to enjoy the delicious food of Dalian.

Finally, we hope and trust that you will find the conference and your visit to the very beautiful and exciting city of Dalian, in September 2021 both valuable and enjoyable!

Sincerely Yours,

Dr. Xiaodan Mei
Executive Chair
President of BIT Congress Inc., China

Online Registration
News Released
Speaking Proposals Are Now Being Accepted
Call for Exhibitors and Sponsors
Call for Collaborative
International Chair Man

Dr. Davor Solter
Gairdner Award Laureate, 2018

World Class Meeting Venue

ICG-2021 will be celebrated at Dalian International Conference Center, China

Hosting Organizations
Operating Organizations
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