The 4th International Congress of Genetics (ICG-2021)


Notification of cancellations must be sent, in writing, to Jackie at:

In case of Registrations cancelled more than 90 days before the event, 80% of the registration fees will be refunded.

In case of Registrations cancelled with less than 90 but more than 60 days before the event, 50% of the registration fees will be refunded.

In case of Registrations cancelled with less than 60 days before the event, the speaker will not be eligible for a refund.

Deadline for hotel cancellation August 15, 2021. After deadline, the reservation cancelled will not be eligible for a refund.

Refund applicants will afford the service charge for the cancellation caused by their own reasons.


Online Registration
News Released
Speaking Proposals Are Now Being Accepted
Call for Exhibitors and Sponsors
Call for Collaborative
International Chair Man

Dr. Davor Solter
Gairdner Award Laureate, 2018

World Class Meeting Venue

ICG-2021 will be celebrated at Dalian International Conference Center, China

Hosting Organizations
Operating Organizations
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