Program Layout
BIT’s 4th International Congress of Genetics-2021
Theme: Decoding Gene for a Better Life
Time: September 25-27, 2021
Venue: Dalian, China
Block 1
Part 1: Opening Ceremony & Plenary Forum
Part 2: Keynote Forum of ICG-2021
Block 2
Theme 1: New Frontier of Genetic Research
ICG 1-1: Genetic Engineering and Humanity
–Thinking at Beginning from Editing Baby to Creating Supermen
ICG 1-2: Genetic Secrets of Human Longevity
–Thinking by End When Human live toward 120 years old
ICG 1-3: Noncoding Genome, Long and Short Noncoding RNAs
ICG 1-4: Advances in Human Genome Variation Research
ICG 1-5: Epigenetics, Chromatin, Mitochondrial Genetics and Gene Regulation
ICG 1-6: New Exposure Research Paradigm
-Unraveling the Complexity and Health
Theme 2: Innovative Genetic Technologies
ICG 2-1: AI and Machine Learning in Genomics and Genetic
ICG 2-2: Trans-Genesis Today and Tomorrow
ICG 2-3: Emerging Gene Drive Tech
ICG 2-4: New Forensic Genetic Tech
Theme 3: Human/Medical Genetics and Cytogenetic
ICG 3-1: Cancer Genetics and Cancer Immuno-genetics
ICG 3-2: Neurogenetic and Psychiatric Disorders
ICG 3-3: Heart and Vascular Genetics
ICG 3-4: Human Genetic Disorders
-From Single Gene, Chromosome to Complex Disorders
ICG 3-5: Developmental Disorders Genetics
ICG 3-6: Novel Insights into Human Reproductive and Prenatal Genetics
ICG 3-7: New Genetic Research on Diabetes
ICG 3-8: Genetics of Addiction and Behavior
ICG 3-9: Human Genome and Gut Microbiome
ICG 3-10: Novel Diagnostic Approaches, Gene Testing and Genetic Counseling
ICG 3-11: Genetic-Driven Drug-gable Targets Discovery
ICG 3-12: Statistical and Population Genetics
ICG 3-13: Constitutional Cytogenetic
ICG 3-14: Next Generation Cytogenomics
Theme 4: Nonhuman Genetic Applications
ICG 4-1: Microbial Genetic Engineering
-from Gene toward the Genome Engineering
ICG 4-2: GE crops, Safety and Plant Genome Engineering
ICG 4-3: GE Drive Animals
ICG 4-4: Genetics of Immune Response and Disease Resistance
ICG 4-5: Livestock Genetics and Genomics
ICG 4-6: Avian Genetics and Genomics
ICG 4-7: Companion Animal Genetics and Genomics

Dr. Davor Solter
Gairdner Award Laureate, 2018
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