The 4th International Congress of Genetics (ICG-2021)

Program Layout

BIT’s 4th International Congress of Genetics-2021

Theme: Decoding Gene for a Better Life

Time: September 25-27, 2021
Venue: Dalian, China

Block 1
Part 1: Opening Ceremony & Plenary Forum
Part 2: Keynote Forum of ICG-2021

Block 2
Theme 1: New Frontier of Genetic Research
ICG 1-1: Genetic Engineering and Humanity
              –Thinking at Beginning from Editing Baby to Creating Supermen
ICG 1-2: Genetic Secrets of Human Longevity
              –Thinking by End When Human live toward 120 years old
ICG 1-3: Noncoding Genome, Long and Short Noncoding RNAs
ICG 1-4: Advances in Human Genome Variation Research
ICG 1-5: Epigenetics, Chromatin, Mitochondrial Genetics and Gene Regulation
ICG 1-6: New Exposure Research Paradigm
              -Unraveling the Complexity and Health

Theme 2: Innovative Genetic Technologies
ICG 2-1: AI and Machine Learning in Genomics and Genetic
ICG 2-2: Trans-Genesis Today and Tomorrow
ICG 2-3: Emerging Gene Drive Tech
ICG 2-4: New Forensic Genetic Tech

Theme 3: Human/Medical Genetics and Cytogenetic
ICG 3-1: Cancer Genetics and Cancer Immuno-genetics
ICG 3-2: Neurogenetic and Psychiatric Disorders
ICG 3-3: Heart and Vascular Genetics
ICG 3-4: Human Genetic Disorders
              -From Single Gene, Chromosome to Complex Disorders
ICG 3-5: Developmental Disorders Genetics
ICG 3-6: Novel Insights into Human Reproductive and Prenatal Genetics
ICG 3-7: New Genetic Research on Diabetes
ICG 3-8: Genetics of Addiction and Behavior
ICG 3-9: Human Genome and Gut Microbiome
ICG 3-10: Novel Diagnostic Approaches, Gene Testing and Genetic Counseling
ICG 3-11: Genetic-Driven Drug-gable Targets Discovery
ICG 3-12: Statistical and Population Genetics
ICG 3-13: Constitutional Cytogenetic
ICG 3-14: Next Generation Cytogenomics

Theme 4: Nonhuman Genetic Applications
ICG 4-1: Microbial Genetic Engineering
              -from Gene toward the Genome Engineering
ICG 4-2: GE crops, Safety and Plant Genome Engineering
ICG 4-3: GE Drive Animals
ICG 4-4: Genetics of Immune Response and Disease Resistance
ICG 4-5: Livestock Genetics and Genomics
ICG 4-6: Avian Genetics and Genomics
ICG 4-7: Companion Animal Genetics and Genomics

Online Registration
News Released
Speaking Proposals Are Now Being Accepted
Call for Exhibitors and Sponsors
Call for Collaborative
International Chair Man

Dr. Davor Solter
Gairdner Award Laureate, 2018

World Class Meeting Venue

ICG-2021 will be celebrated at Dalian International Conference Center, China

Hosting Organizations
Operating Organizations
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