

The 11th Annual World Congress of





Opening Ceremony
Time: 09:00-09:15, November 15, 2023 (Wednesday); Place:  Pastel, 2F, Hotel emisia Sapporo, Japan


Keynote Forum (Joint Held with other conferences)
Time: 09:15-12:00, November 15, 2023 (Wednesday); Place: Pastel, 2F, Hotel emisia Sapporo, Japan

Moderator: TBD



                                             Speeches and Speakers



Moderator's Introduction


Title: Maritime Security in the Age of Climate Change

Dr. Peter Ricketts, President  and  Vice-Chancellor, Acadia University, Canada



Title: Circular Economy - Future Developments and Opportunities to 2030 and Beyond

Dr. Amir M. Sharif, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Professor, University of Bradford, UK



Title: Integrating Artificial Intelligence with Computational Fluid Dynamics to Optimize And Sustain Urban Water Management and Treatment

Dr. John Sansalone, Professor, Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment, University of Florida, USA



Keynote Speeches of other conferences



WCO 01: Ocean Economy and Maritime Law

Time: 13:30-17:30, November 15, 2023 (Wednesday); Place: Azalea, 3F, Hotel emisia Sapporo, Japan

Chair: Dr. Stephen Girvin, MPA Professor of Maritime Law, Director, Centre for Maritime Law, NUS Singapore, Singapore



                                     Speeches and Speakers



Chair's Introduction



Title: Sustainable Finance for Blue Economy: Case of Adriatic Sea

Dr. Ana Maria Boromisa, Head of  Department for International Economic and Political Relations, Institute for Development and International Relations, Croatia




Title: KYX - The Future of Ocean Trade Compliance

Mr. Daniel MacGregor, Co-Founder and CXO, Nexxiot, Switzerland


Title: Research of China's Ocean Economy Strategies and Opportunities for International Collaboration

Dr. Shuguang LIU, Professor and Director of Marine Economics Research Center, School of Economics, Ocean University of China, China


Title:  Modular Offshore Floating Platforms MOP for Port, Industrial Area, Living Area, Transformer Platform, Nuclear SMR Floater, Hydrogen Production, Defence

Mr. E.D. Safier, Principal Engineer Founder Owner CEO, SAFIER INGENIERIE SAS Paris London Dakar Shanghai Spain, France


Title: Recent Developments in Vessel Propulsion from ABB – Equipment and Performance Estimations

Mr. Andrei Korsstrom, Sales Manager, ABB Oy, Finland


Coffee Break



Title: The Space / SubSea Nexus to Training, and Risk & Cost Reduction
Mr. Hirokazu Mori, VP of Business Development, APAC, Blue Abyss, UK



Title:  Decarbonisation of Shipping: EEXI, CII and Their Impact On Charterparties

Dr. Stephen Girvin, MPA Professor of Maritime Law, Director, Centre for Maritime Law, NUS Singapore, Singapore


Title: Challenges of The Entry Into Force of The Hong Kong Convention

Dr. Juan Ignacio Alcaide, Professor, Cadiz University, SPAIN


Title: Routes to Resolution: Resolving Commercial Maritime Disputes

Dr. David Steward, President, the London Maritime Arbitrators Association; Arbitrator, Arbitrators at 10 Fleet Street, UK



Dr. Hari Narayan, Partner, LL.M Maritime Law (UK), United Maritime Law Chambers, India


Title: Sustainability of Water Use in the Arctic zone of the Yenisei River basin (Video)

Dr. Prof. Dr. Sergei Nikonorov, Faculty of Economics, Department of Environmental Economics, Director of the Center for Research, on Economic Issues of the Arctic Development, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia 


WCO 02: Ocean Science, Engineering and Ocean Energy

Time: 10:30-12:55, November 16, 2023 (Thursday); Place: Azalea, 3F, Hotel emisia Sapporo, Japan

Chair: Prof. Myint Win Bo, President & CEO, Bo & Associates Inc.; Adjunct Professor in Geotechnical Engineering, York University & Toronto Metroplolitan University, Canada



                                     Speeches and Speakers



Chair's Introduction


Title: Symmetry Breaking on Ocean Floors

Dr. Albert Fässler, Prof. em. for Applied Mathematics, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland




Title: Adaptive Sampling of the Ocean Chemspace

Mr. David Fries, CEO, Guided Particle Systems Inc., USA




Title: Floating Assembly Line Series Industrial Production of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines

Mr. E.D. Safier, Principal Engineer Founder Owner CEO, SAFIER INGENIERIE SAS Paris London Dakar Shanghai Spain, France


Title: Geotechnical Investigation for Foreshore and Offshore Areas

Prof. Myint Win Bo, President & CEO, Bo & Associates Inc.; Adjunct Professor in Geotechnical Engineering, York University & Toronto Metroplolitan University, Canada


Title: Material Selection, Welding and Fabrication Considerations for Floating Wind Turbine Substructures

Mr. Jens Petter Tronskar, Senior Vice President & Chief Technology Officer Structural Integrity and Materials Technology, Energy Systems, DNV Singapore Pte. Ltd., Singapore


Title: Deep-Sea Exploration: The Potential of Oceanic Battery Metals
Mr. Anthony O'Sullivan,
Chief Development Officer, The Metals Company, Australia


Title: Morlais Tidal Energy - the Long Voyage (Video)

Dr. Andy Billcliff, CEO, Menter Môn Morlais Limited, UK



WCO 03: Marine Management and Environment Protection

Time: 13:30-17:35, November 16, 2023 (Thursday); Place: Azalea, 3F, Hotel emisia Sapporo, Japan

Chair: Mr. Esa Nikunen, General Director, Environment Services, City of Helsinki, Finland



                                     Speeches and Speakers



Chair's Introduction


Title: Grand Theory of Economic Growth and Sustainable Development and What the New Research Paradigm Means for the Futures of Global Ocean Management

Dr. Jari Kaivo-oja, Research Director, Professor, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku, Finland




Title: Total-Organic-Carbon-based Method to Estimate Microplastics Pollution of Seawater

Dr. Hyunook Kim*, Ingyu Lee, Nakyung Kim, and Jisuk Kim, Professor, University of Seoul, Korea



Title:  Satellite Based Maritime Monitoring

Mr. Børre Pedersen, Sales Director for Earth Observation, Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT), Norway


Title: Progress in Integrating Oceans into the UN Climate Change Convention

Dr. Peter Ricketts, Past President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor of Earth and Environmental Science, Acadia University, Canada 


Coffee Break


Title: Protection of the Baltic Sea - what is Helsinki City Doing?

Mr. Esa Nikunen, General Director, Environment Services, City of Helsinki,



Title: Are We Getting the Most from Our Oceans?

Mr. Tomasz Lipski, CEO, International Sailing Schools Association, Cyprus/ Germany/ UK


Title: Dubai Coastal Environment Monitoring and Forecasting

Ms. Noora Mohammad Hokal, Coastal Env Sustainability Sec Acting Manager, Environment Sustainibility Department, UAE   


Title: Phase-Shift and Reef Conservation in French Polynesia

Ms. Tohei THEOPHILUS, Post-doctoral Researcher, University of French Polynesia, French Polynesia


Title: Current Challenges of Law Enforcement in Taiwan's Marine Protected Areas and Potential Solutions

Mr. Chi-Heng Tsai, Ph.D. Student, Department of Environmental Biology and Fisheries Science, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan



WCO 04: Aquaculture and Fisheries Forum

Time: 08:30-12:35, November 17, 2023 (Friday); Place: Hotel emisia Sapporo, SymphonyC, 4F, Japan

Chair: Mr. Robert Likins, Executive Vice President, Pet Advocacy Network, USA



                                     Speeches and Speakers



Chair's Introduction


Title: Efficacy of The Tetravalent Vaccine ALPHA JECT® Micro 4 in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Against Japanese Isolates of Aeromonas Salmonicida, Vibrio Anguillarum O1 and O2Α

Mr. Rolf Hetlelid Olsen, Principal Scientist, PHARMAQ part of Zoetis, Norway



Title: Effect of Oral Administration of Aurantiochytrium Sp. Strain Mem0039 Cells on Immune Responses of Common Carp, Cyprinus Carpio

Dr. Yousuke Taoka, Associate Professor, University of Miyazaki, Japan



Title: Seeing Seafood Differently: The Role of Differentiation

Dr. James A Young, Professor Emeritus Applied Marketing, University of Stirling, UK



Title: Sea Cave® and True Blue Carbon®

Mr. Chris Goldblatt, CEO, Fish Reef Project, USA




Coffee Break



Title: Hawaii Wild Fish Collection; When A Responsible and Sustainable Fishery is Not Enough

Mr. Robert Likins, Executive Vice President, Pet Advocacy Network, USA



Title: Micro Algae for Everything?

Mr. Orri Björnsson, CEO, Algalif, Iceland


Title: Downstream Processing of Marine Microalgae for Food and Feed Application

Mr. Alexander Piek, Application Manager, GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH, Germany


Title: How the Seafood Market Has Evolved

Mr. Takashi Nasa, CEO, Superfish, Inc., USA


Title: Market-driven Approach to Promoting Responsible Aquaculture

Mr. Koji Yamamoto, General Manager Japan, Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), Japan


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