
Online Registration

News Released

Speaking Proposals Are Now Being Accepted
Call for Exhibitors and Sponsors
Call for Media Partners and Journal Cooperation

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Hosting Organization

World High Tech Society

Media Partners

Media Partners

Press Information
The organizing committee of Neurotalk 2023 invites accredited media professionals working on scientific news to apply for a complimentary press pass. Press passes are limited and will only be granted to journalists who intend to report the relevant events of the conference.

To qualify for press credential you are required to be affiliated with an internationally, nationally or regionally recognized media outlet, and hold an editorial title, or position as an industry analyst.

 Personnel that in sales, advertising, marketing, account management or other non-editorial professions will not be granted a press or analyst pass. (BIT Group Global Ltd. reserves the right to request documentation regarding credentials.)

Media Partners
We cordially invite all professional conference organizers, press organizations, and journals to be one of our media partners for this campaign. We believe Neurotalk 2023 will help you with further connections between your organization and members and key companies around the world. Your assistance in promoting this conference through any of the following means is greatly appreciated.
* Display promotional material for the conference either by inserting a copy of the preliminary announcement into the delegate packs at your conference, or by allowing us to display copies on a “Future Meetings” table.
* Forward us the email list of your members/delegates or send an email to them on our behalf.
* Place a link to our conference website on your society/conference website.

We will certainly provide the same in return.


Press and Media Contact:

If you have any questions regarding press access or wish to become a media partner of Neurotalk 2023, please contact:

Ms. Anna Li
Organizing Commission of Neurotalk 2023
Add: Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road, High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China
Tel: 0086-411-84799609
Fax: +86-411-84575250

Hosting Organization

Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA (Dalian Branch)

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