
Online Registration

Hosting Organization

World High Technology Society

Overseas Cooperate Medias and Journals


★ Poster

There will be an exhibition and poster area around conference rooms and every attendee has the same opportunity to apply for a poster for your research result display. Young scientists and students are welcome to apply for these poster opportunities.


Posters should be reviewed before this conference. Please send a brief introduction of your poster with 300-400 words to before the deadline of the poster application on August 31, 2023.


Poster format

Submitted posters should be based upon original / ongoing research with the similar theme of this conference.


Poster Guidelines

• The regular poster size is 70cm wide x 90cm high.

• The text should be black and single spaced so that visitors can see it clearly from outside 1.5 meters.

• Display date is during November 15-17, 2023.


Hosting Organization

Official Travel Agency




Contact Us

Add: Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road,
High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China

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