
Scientific Program

****************************** Final Program *******************************


Conference venue: Nara Prefectural Convention Center ( Address: 691-1, 1-chome, Sanjo-oji, Nara city)

Please save your speech PPT in both USB drive and email address, no need to send it to the conference side

Please arrive at the meeting room priori to 15-20 minutes before the session and copy your PPT slides to the computer in the meeting room by yourself

4  The speech is 20 min including Q&A time, please prepare your PPT at the screen ration of 16:9

5  Coffee break place: Room 203&204, 2nd Floor, Nara Prefectural Convention Center

6  The conference final agenda can be found on the website:   https://www.bitcongress.com/wgc2025/Schedule.asp

7  The video speeches can be viewed online through  https://www.bitcongress.com/videoapril/ 




Time: 09:00-21:00, April 22, 2025 (Tuesday)

Place: Public Space, 1st Floor, Nara Prefectural Convention Center

(Should you miss the April 22nd, 21:00 deadline, kindly go to the registration desk the following morning to collect your conference materials)


Time: 08:00-18:30, April 23, 24, 2025 (Wednesday, Thursday)

Place: Public Space, 1st Floor, Nara Prefectural Convention Center


Time: 08:00-13:00, April 25, 2025 (Friday)

Place: Public Space, 1st Floor, Nara Prefectural Convention Center



Opening Ceremony


Time: 09:00-09:10, April 23, 2025 (Wednesday)

Place: Room 205&206, 2nd Floor, Nara Prefectural Convention Center



Keynote Forum


Time: 09:10-12:10, April 23, 2025 (Wednesday)

Place: Room 205&206, 2nd Floor, Nara Prefectural Convention Center


Dr. Jake Jinkun Chen, Professor, Tufts University, USA 


Chair's Introduction


Title: Machine Learning Driven Peptide Design for Functional Biohybrid Materials

Dr. Candan Tamerler, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, University of Kansas, USA


Title: Characterization of AD-MSCs and the Clinical Approval for Regenerative Medicine
Dr. Y. James Kang, Chief Scientist, Tasly Stem Cell Biology Laboratory, China


Title: Phage-Displayed Noncanonical Amino Acids for Drug Discovery
Dr. Wenshe Ray Liu, Director, Texas A&M Drug Discovery Center; Professor in Chemistry, Texas A&M University, USA


Title: Development of Novel Anti-HIV Biologics
Dr. Stephen L. Mayo, Bren Professor of Biology and Chemistry and Merkin Institute Professor, California Institute of Technology, USA; Member, National Academy of Sciences


Title: TBD

Dr. Jake Jinkun Chen, Professor, Tufts University, USA


Title: High Resolution Bio-imaging with Electron-Beam Excitation
Dr. Yoshimasa Kawata, Professor, Trustee/Vice President, Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University, Japan


Speech Slot Reserved



WGC 01: Integrative Insights into Gene, Genetics and Epigenetics

Time: Afternoon, April 23, 2025 (Wednesday)

Place: Room 105, 1st Floor, Nara Prefectural Convention Center


Dr. Thomas Schneider, Professor, Thoracic Surgery, Lung Cancer Center ViDia Kliniken Karlsruhe, Germany


Dr. Sook Za Kim, Professor, Korea Genetics Research Center, South Korea


Chair's Introduction


Title: Artificial GGAA-Motif Containing Minimal Promoters

Dr. Fumiaki Uchiumi, Professor, Tokyo University of Science, Japan


Title: Neoadjuvant Immuno-Chemotherapy in locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - Real Life Experience

Dr. Thomas Schneider, Professor, Thoracic Surgery, Lung Cancer Center ViDia Kliniken Karlsruhe, Germany


Title: Geobotanical Exploration into the Populations and the Creation of in Vitro Collections of Rare and Endangered Species within the Rosaceae Family

Dr. Natalya V. Romadanova, Associate Professor, Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, Kazakhstan


Title: The Reason, Why the First Genetic System Must Be Established in a Bottom-up Manner?

Dr. Kenji Ikehara, Emeritus Professor, Nara Women's University, Japan


Title: TBD

Dr. Asaf Hellman Vi, Professor, Institute for Medical Research Israel-Canada (IMRIC), Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Israel


Coffee Break


Title: Twenty-One-year Follow-up of Variable Onset MELAS Syndrome with Heteroplasmic nt3243A>G mtDNAmutation: A Case Report

Dr. Sook Za Kim, Professor, Korea Genetics Research Center, South Korea


Title: Association of Statin Use and Genetic Susceptibility with Incidence of Alzheimer's Diseas

Dr. Jiawei Xin, Associate Chief Physician & Associate Professor, Fujian Medical University Affiliated Union Hospital, China


Title: Genomic Newborn Screening - Ethical Aspects

Dr. Michael Barilan, Professor, Tel Aviv University, Israel


Speech Slot Available


Speech Slot Available




WGC 02: Inflammation, Immunology, Biotherapeutic Innovations, and Drug Science

Time: Morning, April 24, 2025 (Thursday)

Place: Room 105, 1st Floor, Nara Prefectural Convention Center


Dr. Yashwant Pathak, Professor and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Taneja College of Pharmacy, University of South Florida, USA


Dr. Baofa Yu, President, Shangdong Baofa Tumor Treatment Co., Ltd., China


Chair's Introduction


Title: Rheumatologic Manifestations after the Sars-Cov-2 Vaccine

Dr. Marc Alexandre Golstein, Consultant, Deptartment of Rheumatology, Saint-Jean Hospital, Belgium


Title: Therapeutic Applications of Nanoparticle Drug Delivery for siRNA

Dr. Yashwant Pathak, Professor and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Taneja College of Pharmacy, University of South Florida, USA


Title: An Agent-Based Model of Infectious Diseases That Incorporates the Role of Immune Cells and Antibodies

Dr. Shigeaki Ogibayashi, Emeritus Professor, Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan


Title: Development and Characterization of CCR6-Specific Monoclonal Antibody for the Potential Treatment of Autoimmune and Inflammatory Diseases

Dr. Seng-Lai Tan, Co-founder & CEO, NewCo, USA


Title: TBD
Dr. Jianyong Wang, Sr Principal Scientist, Genentech Inc., USA


Coffee Break


Title: Self-nano Drug for Precision Immune Clinical Treatment of Solid Tumors

Dr. Baofa Yu, President, Shangdong Baofa Tumor Treatment Co., Ltd., China


Title: TBD

Dr. Learn-Han Lee, Professor, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, China 


Title: Smartphone-Based Mobile Detection Platform for Molecular Diagnostics:  From Infectious Diseases to Cancer

Dr. Jinzhao Song, Professor, Hangzhou Institute of Medicine, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, China


Title: Peptides Consisting of Pyrrole and Imidazole as Major Building Unites (PIPA) Binds dsDNA in Sequence Specific Manner and Candidates for Gene Control Drugs

Dr. Kiyoshi Nokihara, CEO and CSO, HiPep Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan


Speech Slot Available




WGC 03: Domain Exploration: Pathology, Physiology, Bioinformatics & Neuroscience

Time: Afternoon, April 24, 2025 (Thursday)

Place: Room 105, 1st Floor, Nara Prefectural Convention Center


Dr. Rudolf Schrittwieser, Head of  Department of General and Viszeral Surgery, LKH Hochsteiermark, Austria


Dr. Wlodzimierz Samborski, Professor of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, Rehabilitation and Internal Medicine Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland


Chair's Introduction


Title: Unveiling DDX3X Syndrome: Bridging the Gap in Diagnosis and Understanding

Dr. Wlodzimierz Samborski, Professor of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, Rehabilitation and Internal Medicine Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland


Title: The Influence of Fortification of Vegetable Matrices with High Concentrations of Thiamine and Iodine on Their Antioxidant Activity - The Relationship Between the Phenolic Composition of the Matrices

Dr. Krystyna Szymandera-Buszka, Associate Professor, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland


Title: Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus in Patients with Obesity

Dr. Sama Abdulrazzaq, Associate Consultant Physician, Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Tertiary Center, Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar


Title: Statistical Analysis of Suicides in the Abay Region of the Republic of Kazakhstan over the Past 10 Years

Dr. Nailya Chaizhunusova, Professor, Semey Medical University, Kazakhstan


Title: Mathematical Model for Predicting Suicides

Dr. Dariya Shabdarbayeva, Professor, Semey Medical University, Kazakhstan


Coffee Break


Title: How Important Are CT-Scan, MRI and Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Ventral Hernias?

Dr. Rudolf Schrittwieser, Head of  Department of General and Viszeral Surgery, LKH Hochsteiermark, Austria


Title: The Impact of AI Adoption on Employee Anxiety in the Hospitality Industry: Internal Marketing Strategies Using the GAD-7 Scale

Dr. Bo-Kyeong Kim, Senior Research Fellow & Adjunct Professor, Management & Law at Dong-A University, and the Korea Naval Academy, South Korea


TTitle: Applications of DNB-Based Nanoarray: Profile different types of protein-DNA Interactions, exonuclease III activity assay.

Dr. Chongjun Xu, Complete Genomics Inc., USA


Title: Mathematical Models and Algorithms for Analyzing DNA Chains

Dr. Boris Melnikov, Professor, Shenzhen MSU-BIT University, Shenzhen, China


Title: Genetic Archtecture and Counselling of Auditory Neuropathy

Dr. Hongyang Wang, Professor, The Sixth Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital, China


Speech Opportunity Available




WGC 04: Advances in Molecular, Cell Biology and Microbiology Research


Time: Morning, April 25, 2025 (Friday)

Place: Room 105, 1st  Floor, Nara Prefectural Convention Center


Dr. Adel K. El-Naggar, Professor, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA


Dr. Loh Teng Hern Tan, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, China


Chair's Introduction


Title: TBD

Dr. Adel K. El-Naggar, Professor, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA


Title: TBD

Dr. Michael J. Schwerer, Anatomic Pathologist & Forensic Pathologist, Air Force Centre of Aerospace Medicine, Germany


Title: Characterization of a Thermophilic and Highly Active Spore-Coat Bacterial Laccase, Able to Biodegrade Highly Recalcitrant Environmental Contaminants

Dr. Jenny M. Blamey, Scientific Director, Bioscience Foundation, Chile


Title: TBD

Dr Jodi Law Woan-Fei, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, China


Title: TBD

Dr Tan Loh Teng-Hern, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, China


Coffee Break


Title: The Effect of Energy Generation Related Pathways on the Cadmium Resistance of Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens

Dr. Yuanchan Luo, Associate Professor, School of Biotechnology, East China University of Science and Technology, China


Title: The Effects and Mechanisms of Probiotic Enterococcus on Hypercholesterolemia and Atherosclerosis Development in Mice

Dr. Yuan Zhu, Lecturer, School of Sports and Health, Nanjing Sport Institute, China


Title: Population Composition and Stocks Dynamics of Walleye Pollock

Dr. Oleg A. Bulatov, Director of Science, The State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation FSBI VNIRO, Russia


Title: Origin and Evolution of the Genetic Code

Dr. Kenji Ikehara, Emeritus Professor, Nara Women's University, Japan


Speech Opportunity Available



WGC 05: Video Speech Forum


Title: Elimination of Cancer Cells by Folate-Conjugated CdTe/CdS Quantum Dots Chiral Nano-Sensors
Dr. Guangmin Li, Associate Professor & Vice Dean of International School of Engineering, Tianjin Chengjian University, China


Title: Trypan Blue Free T-Cells Viability Assessment and Real Time T-Cells Apoptosis and Necrosis Using Potentially Real Time and Sampling Less Optical Absorption Spectroscopy

Dr. Bruno Wacogne, Research Director, FEMTO-ST Institute CNRS, France


Title: Unraveling the Impact of Plant MicroRNAs on COVID-19:  Genetic Mechanisms and Bioinformatics Perspectives

Dr. Sebnem Kavakli Yildiz, Ege University,Turkey


Title: CRISPR/Cas9 Delivery by NIR-Responsive Biomimetic Nanoparticles for Targeted HBV Therapy
Dr. Dan Wang, Medical Doctor, Post-Doctoral,Research Center, Chongqing Rongchang District People's Hospital, China


Title: Transcriptomic and Metabolomic Analyses Reveal The Flavor of Bitterness in the Tip Shoots of Bambusa Oldhamii Munro
Dr. Yulian Jiao, Associate Professor, Zhejiang Institute of Subtropical Crops, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China



Posters & Papers


Title: Tumor Suppressive Role of MicroRNA-4731-5p in Breast Cancer Through Reduction of PAICS-Induced FAK Phosphorylation

Dr. Lei Lang, Supervisor Clinical Laboratory Technician, Chongqing University Central Hospital, China


Title: Deep-Rooted Causes of Infection-Related Factors in Children with PID in China

Ms. Jing Tao, Supervisor Nurse, Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, China


Title: Lipids Diffusion in the Plasmalemma Resulting from Structural Changes in the Membrane
Dr. Pavel V. Mokrushnikov, Associate Professor, State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Novosibirsk, Russia


Title: Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndromes Classification Associates with Tumor Cell and Microenvironment Heterogeneity in Colorectal Cancer: A Single cell RNA Sequencing Analysis
Dr. Bin Jiang, Professor of Surgery & Director, National Center of Colorectal Disease, Nanjing Municipal Hospital of Chinese Medicine, China








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Venue & Hotel

Key Deadlines

Scientific Program

Hosting Organization

World High Technology Society

Conference Download

Hosting Organization

Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA (Dalian Branch)

Contact Us

Add: Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road,
High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China

Tel: 0086-411-84799609
Fax: 0086-411-84796897

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