The 5th World Congress of Robotics(WCR-2021)
★ Program Layout

2021 BIT's 5th World Congress of


Theme: Convergence, Upgrade, Leading, and Development
Time: August 26-28, 2021
Venue: Dalian, China

Preliminary Program Design

Stream 0: Open the Glory Hall of Robot Innovators
-Registration Day and Ice Breaking Party

Stream 1: Smart Mind Hubs
-Rethinking the New Generation Robotics toward 2040

Leadership Summit

Master Lectures

High-end Dialogs

Sino-X Robot Collaborations

Stream 2: Robot Explorer's Universe
-Presenting Research Frontier of Future Robots

S 2-1: Robotic Smart Materials, Smart Sensors and Operation Systems

S 2-2: Bioinspired & Bio-Hybrid Robots

S 2-3: Soft Robots

S 2-4: Humanoid Robots

S 2-5: Self-aware and Self-Charged Robots

S 2-6: Swarm and Networking Robots

S 2-7: Navigation and Exploration Robot

S 2-8: AI + Robots

S 2-9: Brain Computer Interfaces

S 2-10: Biotech and Biomedical Robot

S 2-11: Social Robots

S 2-12: Evolutionary Robotics

S 2-13: Virtual Robots, Virtual Environments and Virtual Reality

S 2-14: Autonomous Robots

S 2-15: Roboethics and Robot Morality

Stream 3: Industrial Art Gallery of Emerging Robots
-Showcasing the Creative Robots for Next Decade

Frontier Robotics Technologies

Industry Robots

Medical Robots

Healthcare Robots

BioPharma Robots

Educational Robots

Service Robots

Entertainment Robots

Agricultural Robots

Security Robots

Military Robots


Underwater Robots

Aerial/Space Robotics

eCommerce Robots

Stream 4: Lightroom for Future Robot Creators
-Disclosure Program for Energetic Young Talents

S 4-1: Doctoral Consortium

S 4-2: Mini-Symposia

S 4-3: Hot Paper Briefing

S 4-5: Training Course

S 4-6: Roundtable

S 4-7: Workshop

Stream 5: Warehouse of Robots Harvest
-Poster Zone and Expo Pavilion

S 5-1: Poster Zones
From New Components to Creative Robots

S 5-2: Expo Pavilion
Pavilions of State-of-the Arts
- New Tech and Products

Stream 6: Happy Commune
-Connectivity is the Hardcore of Partnership and Win-win Business

Online Registration
News Release
● Call for Session Chairs, Speakers and Attendees
● Speaking Proposals are now being Accepted, Submit the Abstract Right Now
● REGISTER NOW to secure your attendance and enjoy favorable discount    
●Call for collaborative partners, medias and journals
Hosting Organization

Information Research Center of International Talent, Ministry of Science and Technology, China

Operating Organizations

BIT Congress Inc.

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