Registration 注册 |
Time: 09:00-22:00, August 30, 2015 (Sunday); Place: Lobby, Ground Floor, Sheraton Shenyang South City Hotel 时间:2015年8月30日(星期日),09:00-22:00;地点:沈阳新都绿城喜来登酒店一楼大堂 |
Opening Ceremony 开幕式 |
Time: 09:00-09:30, August 31, 2015 (Monday); Place: International Conference Hall, 2nd Floor, Shenyang Hunnan Headquarters Center 时间:2015年8月31日(星期一),09:00-09:30;地点:浑南总部基地二楼国际会议厅 |
Keynote Forum 主题论坛 |
Time: 09:30-12:20, August 31, 2015 (Monday); Place: International Conference Hall, 2nd Floor, Shenyang Hunnan Headquarters Center 时间:2015年8月31日(星期一),09:30-12:20;地点:浑南总部基地二楼国际会议厅 |
Moderator | |
09:30-10:00 | Title: Robots That Work Dr. George Fitzgerald Smoot, Nobel Prize in Physics (2006) Professor, University of California, Berkeley, USA Prize Motivation: "For Their Discovery of the Blackbody Form and Anisotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation" George Fitzgerald Smoot, 2006年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者;美国加利福尼亚大学教授 |
10:00-10:25 | Title: Mechanism Design and Computation Dr. Eric Stark Maskin, Nobel Prize in Economics (2007) Adams University Professor, Harvard University, USA Prize Motivation: "For Having Laid the Foundations of Mechanism Design Theory" Eric Stark Maskin,2007年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者;美国哈佛大学教授 |
10:25-10:50 | Title: Mechanism of Information Processing in Brain: Role of Neural Circuits Dr. Thomas Christian Südhof, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (2013) Professor, Stanford University, USA Prize Motivation: "For Their Discoveries of Machinery Regulating Vesicle Traffic, A Major Transport System in Our Cells" Thomas Christian Südhof,2013年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者;美国斯坦福大学教授 |
10:50-11:05 | Coffee Break 茶歇 |
11:05-11:20 | Title: The Development of China Robotic Industry and Intelligent Robot Key Project of the 13th Five-year Plan Dr. Jie Zhao, Expert Group Leader, Intelligent Robot in National High Technology R&D Program; Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Jie Zhao,先进制造领域智能机器人主题专家组组长;中国哈尔滨工业大学教授 |
11:20-11:35 | Title: China Robot Market Situation from View of Foreign Robot Maker Mr. Seigo Nishikawa, Direct General Manager, Yaskawa Electric (China) Cooperation, Japan Seigo Nishikawa,日本安川电机机器人事业部部长 |
11:35-11:50 | Title: Robot and Its Open Future Dr. Ji Zhao, President, Northeastern University, China Ji Zhao,中国东北大学校长 |
11:50-12:05 | Title: Keys To Success In Fielding Robotics Dr. Mel Torrie, CEO and Founder, Autonomous Solutions, Inc., USA Mel Torrie,美国Autonomous Solutions公司创始人兼执行总裁 |
12:05-12:20 | Title: Robot Enabled New Manufacturing Era in China Dr. Daokui Qu, CEO, Siasun Robot & Automation Co. Ltd., Deputy Director, National Robotic Engineering & Research Center, China Daokui Qu,中国新松机器人自动化股份有限公司总裁,机器人国家工程研究中心副主任 |
Overseas High-level Talents and Project Matchmaking Fair 机器人项目及海外高层次科技人才对接会 |
Time: 14:00-17:00, August 31, 2015 (Monday); Place: Exhibition Hall I, 2nd Floor, Shenyang Hunnan Headquarters Center 时间:2015年8月31日(星期一),14:00-17:00;地点:浑南总部基地二楼第一展厅 |
Module 1: Visual Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Technology in Future 论坛1:机器人视觉图像处理与模式识别技术 |
Time: 08:30-11:50, September 1, 2015 (Tuesday); Place: Conference Room I, 2nd Floor, Shenyang Hunnan Headquarters Center 时间:2015年9月1日(星期二),08:30-11:50;地点:浑南总部基地二楼第一会议室 |
Chair | Mr. Perry West, Founder and President, Automated Vision Systems, Inc., USA Perry West, 美国自动视觉系统公司创始人兼总裁 |
Co-Chair | Dr. Changming Sun, Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO Digital Productivity Flagship, Australia Changming Sun, 澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织首席研究科学家 |
08:30-08:35 | Chair’s Introduction 主席介绍 |
08:35-08:55 | Title: Successful Transfer of Computer Vision Research into Practice Mr. Perry West, Founder and President, Automated Vision Systems, Inc., USA Perry West, 美国自动视觉系统公司创始人、总裁 |
08:55-09:15 | Title: From Vision-based Driver Assistance to Autonomous Vehicles Dr. Reinhard Klette, Full Professor, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand Reinhard Klette, 新西兰奥克兰理工大学全职教授 |
09:15-09:35 | Title: Vision-based Robotic Navigation and Control Dr. Wei Sun, Professor, Hunan University, China Wei Sun, 中国湖南大学教授 |
09:35-09:55 | Title: Camera Localization and 3D Mapping in Large Scale Environments Dr. Yihong Wu,Professor, National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Yihong Wu,中国科学院自动化研究所教授 |
09:55-09:15 | Title: Stereo and Multiple View Based 3D Reconstruction Dr. Changming Sun, Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO Digital Productivity Flagship, Australia Changming Sun, 澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织首席研究科学家 |
10:15-10:30 | Coffee Break 茶歇 |
10:30-10:50 | Title: Automatic Diagnosis and Evaluation of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Non-fluorescence Fundus Images Dr. Bin Sheng, Associate Professor and Vice Director, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Bin Sheng,中国上海交通大学副主任、副教授 |
10:50-11:10 | Title: Visual Space Object Localization for Robot Dr. Cai Meng, Associate Professor, Beihang University, China Cai Meng, 中国北京航空航天大学副教授 |
11:10-11:30 | Title: From 2D Image to 3D Point Cloud: For Better Understanding of the Real World Dr. Yulan Guo, Assistant Professor, National University of Defense Technology, China Yulan Guo, 中国国防科技大学助理教授 |
11:30-11:50 | Title: Salient Object Detection and Extension Ms. Guangyu Zhong, Dalian University of Technology, China Guangyu Zhong, 中国大连理工大学 |
Module 2: Robots Bio-inspired Systems and Control 论坛2:机器人仿生系统与控制 |
Time: 08:30-11:50, September 1, 2015 (Tuesday); Place: Conference Room II, 2nd Floor, Shenyang Hunnan Headquarters Center 时间:2015年9月1日(星期二),08:30-11:50;地点:浑南总部基地二楼第二会议室 |
Chair | Dr. Ventzeslav V Valev, Professor, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria Ventzeslav V Valev, 保加利亚科学院数学和信息化研究所教授 |
Co-chair | Dr. Lei Guo, Professor, Beihang University, China Lei Guo, 中国北京航空航天大学教授 |
08:30-08:35 | Chair’s Introduction 主席介绍 |
08:35-08:55 | Title: Learning Visual Descriptors for Pattern Recognition Dr. Ventzeslav V Valev, Professor, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria Ventzeslav V Valev, 保加利亚科学院数学和信息化研究所教授 |
08:55-09:15 | Title: Robot Control Systems Using Bio-potential Signals Dr. Minoru Sasaki, Professor, Gifu University, Japan Minoru Sasaki, 日本岐阜大学教授 |
09:15-09:35 | Title: Design and Optimization of Biped Robot: Interest of Some Bio-inspired Joints Dr. Gabriel Abba, Professor, National Engineering School of Metz, France Gabriel Abba, 法国梅兹国立工程师学院教授 |
09:35-09:55 | Title: An Insect-Mimicking Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle: From Design to Flight Dr. Hoon Cheol Park, Professor, Konkuk University, South Korea Hoon Cheol Park, 韩国建国大学教授 |
09:55-10:15 | Title: CAM Is a General Framework of Brain-like Computing Dr. Zhongzhi Shi, Professor, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Zhongzhi Shi, 中国科学院计算技术研究所教授 |
10:15-10:30 | Coffee Break 茶歇 |
10:30-10:50 | Title: A New Method for Solar Vector Determining Based on the Skylight Polarization Information Dr. Lei Guo, Professor, Beihang University, China Lei Guo, 中国北京航空航天大学教授 |
10:50-11:10 | Title: Advanced Cell Decomposition Method for Mobile Robot Path Planning: An Approach Inspired from The Way Humans Do Dr. Jin-Woo Jung, Associate Professor, Dongguk University, South Korea Jin-Woo Jung, 韩国东国大学教授 |
11:10-11:30 | Title: The Internet of Things for Robotics: A Smart Resources Based Modular Design Dr. Eduardo Munera, Researcher, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain Eduardo Munera, 西班牙瓦伦西亚理工大学研究员 |
11:30-11:50 | Title: Multi-objective Shortest Path Approach for Routing and Scheduling in a Densely Connected Multigraph Dr. Jun Chen, Senior Lecturer, University of Lincoln, UK Jun Chen, 英国林肯大学高级讲师 |
Module 3: Robot Structure Design and Computer Simulation Technology 论坛3:机器人结构设计与计算机仿真技术 |
Time: 08:30-12:10, September 1, 2015 (Tuesday); Place: Conference Room III, 2nd Floor, Shenyang Hunnan Headquarters Center 时间:2015年9月1日(星期二),08:30-12:10;地点:浑南总部基地二楼第三会议室 |
Chair | Dr. Martin J.-D. Otis, Professor, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada Martin J.-D. Otis, 加拿大希库蒂米魁北克大学教授 |
Co-chair | Dr. Renjie Ji, Associate Professor, China University of Petroleum, China Renjie Ji, 中国石油大学副教授 |
08:30-08:35 | Chair’s Introduction 主席介绍 |
08:35-09:00 | Title: Increase the Flexibility of Industrial Processes Using Efficient Machine Vision Solutions and Advanced Programming Software Dr. Stefano Tonello, CEO, IT+Robotics SRL, Italy Stefano Tonello, 意大利IT+Robotics公司首席执行官 |
09:00-09:25 | Title: Intuitive Human-robot Collaboration Using Smart Wearable Devices Dr. Martin J.-D. Otis, Professor, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada Martin J.-D. Otis, 加拿大希库蒂米魁北克大学教授 |
09:25-09:50 | Title: Developing a Theory of Spatial Cognition Using Robots Dr. Wai Kiang Yeap, Professor and Director of Centre for AI Research, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand Wai Kiang Yeap, 新西兰奥克兰理工大学教授、人工智能研究中心主任 |
09:50-10:15 | Title: Generative Design in Robotics, the Art of Uniqueness Dr. Celestino Soddu, Professor, Politecnico di Milano University, Italy Celestino Soddu, 意大利米兰理工大学教授 |
10:15-10:30 | Coffee Break 茶歇 |
10:30-10:55 | Title: 4-axes Synchronous Electrical Discharge Milling Control System Dr. Renjie Ji, Associate Professor, China University of Petroleum, China Renjie Ji, 中国石油大学副教授 |
10:55-11:20 | Title: An Agent-Based Cognitive Control Architecture for Developing Advanced Robotic Systems Mr. Changyun Wei, Lecturer, Hohai University, China Changyun Wei, 中国河海大学讲师 |
11:20-11:45 | Title: Light Weight Redundant Robot Dr. Samer Yahya, Assistant Professor, The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Malaysia Samer Yahya, 马来西亚诺丁汉大学马来西亚分校助理教授 |
11:45-12:10 | Title: A Brief Survey of Commercial Robotic Arms for Research on Manipulation & Domain-specific Modeling and Formal Specification of Robotic Arm Actions and Activities Dr. Zhenli Lu, Researcher, University of Aveiro, Portugal Zhenli Lu, 葡萄牙阿威罗大学研究员 |
Module 4: Advance Technologies for Robotics (I) 论坛4:机器人先进技术(第一部分) |
Time:08:30-10:15, September 1, 2015 (Tuesday); Place: Conference Room IV, 2nd Floor, Shenyang Hunnan Headquarters Center 时间:2015年9月1日(星期二),08:30-10:15;地点:浑南总部基地二楼第四会议室 |
Chair | Dr. Valentin E. Pryanichnikov, Professor, Iinet Rsuh and KIAM Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Valentin E. Pryanichnikov, 俄罗斯科学院教授 |
08:30-08:35 | Chair’s Introduction 主席介绍 |
08:35-09:00 | Title: Intelligent Robotronics, Hight and Low Level Interactions Dr. Valentin E. Pryanichnikov, Professor, Iinet Rsuh and KIAM Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Valentin E. Pryanichnikov, 俄罗斯科学院教授 |
09:00-09:25 | Title: Artificial Intelligence Methods in Human-computer and Robotic Systems Design Dr. Maxim Bakaev, Associate Professor, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia Maxim Bakaev, 俄罗斯新西伯利亚国立技术大学副教授 |
09:25-09:50 | Title: Geometrical Basis for Symmetry Breaking and Multi-Functionality Dr. Stoyan K. Smoukov, Head of Active and Intelligent Materials Lab, University of Cambridge, UK Stoyan K. Smoukov, 英国剑桥大学活性智能材料实验室主任 |
09:50-10:15 | Title: Telepresence Interface for Teleoperation of an Industrial Robot Dr. Prabir Kumar Pal, Outstanding Scientist, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India Prabir Kumar Pal, 印度巴巴原子研究中心杰出科学家 |
10:15-10:30 | Coffee Break 茶歇 |
Module 4: Advance Technologies for Robotics (II) 论坛4:机器人先进技术(第二部分) |
Time: 10:30-12:15, September 1, 2015 (Tuesday); Place: Conference Room IV, 2nd Floor, Shenyang Hunnan Headquarters Center 时间:2015年9月1日(星期二),10:30-12:15;地点:浑南总部基地二楼第四会议室 |
Chair | Dr. Ho-Jin Choi, Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea Ho-Jin Choi, 韩国科学技术院教授 |
10:30-10:35 | Chair’s Introduction 主席介绍 |
10:35-11:00 | Title: Human Intention Analysis by Proactive Robot Assistant Dr. Ho-Jin Choi, Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea Ho-Jin Choi, 韩国科学技术院教授 |
11:00-11:25 | Title: Generation of Locomotion Rhythm for Quadruped Robot Using Pulse-type Hardware Neural Networks Dr. Ken Saito, Assistant Professor, Nihon University, Japan Ken Saito, 日本大学助理教授 |
11:25-11:50 | Title: Cognitive Architectures for Robot Learning and Use of Affordances Dr. Chang Wang, Researcher, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Chang Wang, 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学研究员 |
11:50-12:15 | Title: Human-centered Design of Autonomous Cars and Personal Robots as Socially Communicative Agents Dr. Jamy Jue Li, Research Assistant, Department of Communication, Stanford University, USA Jamy Jue Li, 美国斯坦福大学助理研究员 |
Module 5: The Frontier of Robot 论坛5:机器人行业前瞻 |
Time: 13:30-17:10, September 1, 2015 (Tuesday); Place: Conference Room I, 2nd Floor, Shenyang Hunnan Headquarters Center 时间:2015年9月1日(星期二),13:30-17:10;地点:浑南总部基地二楼第一会议室 |
Chair | Dr. Krzysztof Roman Kozlowski, Professor, Poznan University of Technology, Poland Krzysztof Roman Kozlowski, 波兰波兹南工业大学教授 |
Co-chair | Dr. Shijie Guo, Professor, Hebei University of Technology, China Shijie Guo, 中国河北工业大学教授 |
13:30-13:35 | Chair’s Introduction 主席介绍 |
13:35-13:55 | Title: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation with a Single Mobile Beacon: Some Marine Trials Results Dr. Alexander Scherbatyuk, Corresponding Member,Institute for Marine Technology Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Alexander Scherbatyuk, 俄罗斯科学院院士 |
13:55-14:15 | Title: Teleoperation of a Group of Mobile Robots Dr. Krzysztof Roman Kozlowski, Professor, Poznan University of Technology, Poland Krzysztof Roman Kozlowski, 波兰波兹南工业大学教授 |
14:15-14:35 | Title: Driverless Vehicles: Are They Ready for Urban Transport Deployment? Dr. Ljubo Vlacic, Professor, Griffith University, Australia Ljubo Vlacic,澳大利亚格里菲斯大学教授 |
14:35-15:55 | Title: Building a Strong Robotics IP Portfolio Dr. Mandy Song, Attorney at Law, Finnegan, USA Mandy Song, 美国飞翰公司律师 |
14:55-15:15 | Title: Design of an Interactive Mobile Robot Using Visual Tracking Dr. Kai-Tai Song, Professor, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Kai-Tai Song, 台湾国立交通大学教授 |
15:15-15:30 | Coffee Break 茶歇 |
15:30-15:50 | Title: Development and Clinical Trial of a Dual-arm Patient Transfer Robot with Soft Tactile Sensors on Its Outer Skin Dr. Shijie Guo, Professor, Hebei University of Technology, China Shijie Guo, 中国河北工业大学教授 |
15:50-16:10 | Title: Theory and Application of Less Mobility Parallel Manipulator with Constrained Wrench Dr. Yi Lu, Professor, Yanshan University, China Yi Lu, 中国燕山大学教授 |
16:10-16:30 | Title: Flexible UR, Intelligence Efficiently Dr. Huacai Jiang, Dalian Riqian Electric Technology Co. , Ltd. , China Huacai Jiang, 中国大连日牵电子技术有限公司工程师 |
16:30-16:50 | Title: MEMS Microrobot System with Artificial Neural Network Integrated Circuit Dr. Ken Saito, Assistant Professor, Nihon University, Japan Ken Saito, 日本大学助理教授 |
16:50-17:10 | Title: Autonomous Underwater Miniature Robotic Complex for Seafloor Mapping and Monitoring Dr. Andrey Yatsun, Head of Robotics and Mechatronics Laboratory, Southwest State University, Russia Andrey Yatsun, 俄罗斯西南州立大学机器人和机电一体化实验室主任 |
Module 6: Neural Network and Learning Machines for Robots 论坛6:机器人的神经网络与学习机 |
Time: 13:30-15:35, September 1, 2015 (Tuesday); Place: Conference Room II, 2nd Floor, Shenyang Hunnan Headquarters Center 时间:2015年9月1日(星期二),13:30-15:35;地点:浑南总部基地二楼第二会议室 |
Chair | Dr. Bruno Apolloni, Full Professor, University of Milano, Italy Bruno Apolloni, 意大利米兰大学全职教授 |
Co-chair | Dr. Xin Xu, Professor, National University of Defense Technology, China Xin Xu, 中国国防科技大学教授 |
13:30-13:35 | Chair’s Introduction 主席介绍 |
13:35-14:00 | Title: Social Appliances: Now We Can Dr. Bruno Apolloni, Full Professor, University of Milano, Italy Bruno Apolloni, 意大利米兰大学教授 |
14:00-14:25 | Title: Contextual Generalizing of Robot Control Step Sequences Using Associative Neural Graphs Dr. Adrian Horzyk, Professor, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland Dr. Adrian Horzyk, 波兰克拉科夫AGH科技大学教授 |
14:25-14:50 | Title: Machine Learning for Autonomous Control of Mobile Robots Dr. Xin Xu, Professor, National University of Defense Technology, China Xin Xu, 中国国防科技大学教授 |
14:50-15:15 | Title: Trajectory Optimization for Robotic Manipulator via Meta-Heuristic Algorithms Dr. Ganesan Kanagaraj, Associate Professor, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, India Ganesan Kanagaraj, 印度Thiagarajar工程大学副教授 |
15:15-15:35 | Title: Robot Navigation and Mapping with Sensor Fusion and Artificial Intelligence Dr. Jack Jianguo Wang, Lecturer, University of Technology, Australia Jack Jianguo Wang, 澳大利亚悉尼科技大学讲师 |
Module 7: Robots System and Security 论坛7:机器人系统与安全 |
Time: 13:30-17:10, September 1, 2015 (Tuesday); Place: Conference Room III, 2nd Floor, Shenyang Hunnan Headquarters Center 时间:2015年9月1日(星期二),13:30-17:10;地点:浑南总部基地二楼第三会议室 |
Chair | Mr. Weidong Wang, CTO and CEO, Eastrol Automation Corporation, USA Weidong Wang, 美国Eastrol自动化公司首席执行官、首席技术官 |
Co-chair | Dr. Xiangrong Xu, Professor, Anhui University of Technology, China Xiangrong Xu, 中国安徽工业大学教授 |
13:30-13:35 | Chair’s Introduction 主席介绍 |
13:35-13:55 | Title: Standardized Robotic Bin-picking Mr. Soeren Boeving-Andersen, CEO, Scape Technologies A/S, Denmark Soeren Boeving-Andersen, 丹麦Scape Technologies A/S公司首席执行官 |
13:55-14:15 | Title: Control System Platform for Robotics Mr. Weidong Wang, CTO and CEO, Eastrol Automation Corporation, USA Weidong Wang, 美国Eastrol自动化公司首席执行官、首席技术官 |
14:15-14:35 | Title: Development of a Remote Maintenance Robot for Power Distribution Lines- System Architecture and Task performance Experiments Dr. Kyoichi Tatsuno, Professor, Meijo University, Japan Kyoichi Tatsuno, 日本名城大学教授 |
14:35-14:55 | Title: Effective Simulation of Industrial Robots Dr. Jurgen Helmut Eberhard Fleischer, Professor, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Jurgen Helmut Eberhard Fleischer, 德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院教授 |
14:55-15:15 | Title: Research and Application on Main and Accessorial Equipment Scheduling Method for the Steelmaking-Continuous Casting Process Based on Effective Lagrange Relaxation Iterative Algorithm Dr. Liangliang Sun, Associate Professor, Shenyang Jianzhu University, China Liangliang Sun, 中国沈阳建筑大学副教授 |
15:15-15:30 | Coffee Break 茶歇 |
15:30-15:50 | Title: Aerial Robot Navigation and Path Planning Using Ant Colony Algorithm and Preference-Based Fuzzy Control Scheme Dr. Xiangrong Xu, Professor, Anhui University of Technology, China Xiangrong Xu, 中国安徽工业大学教授 |
15:50-16:10 | Title: Flexibility and Reusability in Manufacturing Software through Modelling and Composition Dr. Nico Tobias Huebel, Research Scientist, KU Leuven, Belgium Nico Tobias Huebel, 比利时鲁汶大学研究科学家 |
16:10-16:30 | Title: Extensive Assessment and Evaluation Methodologies on Assistive Social Robots For Modeling Human-Robot Interaction Dr. Doreen Ying Ying Sim, Researcher, University Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia Doreen Ying Ying Sim, 马来西亚砂捞越大学研究员 |
16:30-16:50 | Title: Active Static Balancing of Robots and Mechatronic Systems: An Overview Dr. Liviu Ciupitu, Lecturer, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania Liviu Ciupitu, 罗马尼亚布加勒斯特理工大学讲师 |
16:50-17:10 | Title: Wireless Formation of Multi-mobile Robot System Dr. Abdulmuttalib Turky Rashid, Lecturer, Basrah Univerisity, Iraq Abdulmuttalib Turky Rashid, 伊拉克巴士拉大学讲师 |
Module 8: Applications of Industrial Robots (I) 论坛8:机器人工业应用(第一部分) |
Time: 13:30-15:15, September 1, 2015 (Tuesday); Place: Conference Room IV, 2nd Floor, Shenyang Hunnan Headquarters Center 时间:2015年9月1日(星期二),13:30-15:15;地点:浑南总部基地二楼第四会议室 |
Chair | Dr. Pedro Fuentes-Dura, Professor, Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia, Spain Pedro Fuentes-Dura, 西班牙瓦伦西亚理工大学教授 |
13:30-13:35 | Chair’s Introduction 主席介绍 |
13:35-13:55 | Title: Robotic Thyroid Surgery; New Horizon as a Minimally Invasive Surgery Dr. Woong Youn Chung, Professor, Yonsei University College of Medicine, South Korea Woong Youn Chung, 韩国延世大学医学院教授 |
13:55-14:15 | Title: European Project Semester and Robotics in Higher Education Dr. Pedro Fuentes-Dura, Professor, Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia, Spain Pedro Fuentes-Dura, 西班牙瓦伦西亚理工大学教授 |
14:15-14:35 | Title: Robotics in Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges Dr. Raphael Linker, Associate Professor, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel Raphael Linker, 以色列理工学院副教授 |
14:35-14:55 | Title: Rehabilitation Exoskeletons: New Applications and Opportunities Dr. Savin Igorevich Sergei, Junior Researcher, Southwest State University, Russia Savin Igorevich Sergei, 俄罗斯西南州立大学研究员 |
14:55-15:15 | Title: Soccer Robotics for Educational Training Dr. Choong-Yeun Liong, Associate Professor, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia Choong-Yeun Liong, 马来西亚国民大学副教授 |
15:15-15:25 | Coffee Break 茶歇 |
Module 8: Applications of Industrial Robots (II) 论坛8:机器人工业应用(第二部分) |
Time: 15:25-17:30, September 1, 2015 (Tuesday); Place: Conference Room IV, 2nd Floor, Shenyang Hunnan Headquarters Center 时间:2015年9月1日(星期二),15:25-17:30;地点:浑南总部基地二楼第四会议室 |
Chair | Dr. George Q. Zhang, Senior Principal Scientist, ABB Corporate Research Center, USA George Q. Zhang, 美国ABB公司研究中心资深首席科学家 |
Co-chair | Dr. Pengyu Yan, Associate Professor, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China Pengyu Yan, 中国电子科技大学副教授 |
15:25-15:30 | Chair’s Introduction 主席介绍 |
15:30-15:50 | Title: Advanced Industrial Robot Applications Dr. George Q. Zhang, Senior Principal Scientist, ABB Corporate Research Center, USA George Q. Zhang, 美国ABB公司研究中心资深首席科学家 |
15:50-16:10 | Title: Micro Robots and Micro-manipulation Dr. Yongshun Zhang, Professor, Dalian University of Technology, China Yongshun Zhang, 中国大连理工大学教授 |
16:10-16:30 | Title: Advanced Robotic Solutions for Quality Control and Inspections in the Factory of the Future Dr. Luca Lattanzi, Research and Innovation Engineer, Loccioni Group, Italy Luca Lattanzi, 意大利Loccioni集团创新研究工程师 |
16:30-16:50 | Title: Assistive Robotic Technology for the Elderly and Infirm Dr. Yong Yue, Professor, University of Bedfordshire, UK; Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China Yong Yue, 英国贝德福德大学;西安交通利物浦大学教授 |
16:50-17:10 | Title: Controlling and Scheduling of the Material Handling Robots in Automated Manufacturing Systems Dr. Pengyu Yan, Associate Professor, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China Pengyu Yan, 中国电子科技大学副教授 |
17:10-17:30 | Title: Smart Future in Agricultural Robotics Dr. Gopal U. Shinde, Assistant Professor, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Agricultural University, India Gopal U. Shinde, 印度Vasantrao Naik Marathwada农业大学助理教授 |
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