BIT's 9th Annual World Congress of
OCEAN 2021
Sustainable Ocean development for Better Future of Mankind
September 27-29, 2021 | Dalian, China
Block 1: Pre-Conference Activity
Act 1: Pre-conference VIP Activities
Act 2: Global Ocean Strategy Forum-Common Interests and Special Interests
Block 2: Main Conference
-New Vision of Blue Economy toward 2030 |
Part 1: Opening Ceremony
Part 2: Keynote Forum |
Part 3: High-end Dialogue:
Part 4: Ocean City Mayors Forum |
Block 3: Industrial Development Submit
1. High-end Marine Equipment Manufacturing Industry
2. Modern Marine Chemical Industry 3. Modern Port, Logistics and Marine Transportation Industry 4. Marine Clean Energy |
5. Modern Marine Fishery
6. Marine Biomedicine 7. Marine Tourism 8. Modern Marine Service |
Block 4: Parallel Forums
Track 1 : Maritime Law
1. Recent Developments in Maritime Law, Marine Security
3. Maritime Competition Law |
2. Maritime Arbitration
4. Marine Insurance Law |
Track 2: Ocean Economy and Finance
1. Current Situation and Future Development of Ocean Economy
2. Latest Trends of Ocean Finance and Investment
Track 3: Coastal and Ocean Engineering
1. Coastal Engineering and Development
3: Advanced Underwater & Deep-sea Engineering Technology |
2. Offshore Ocean Engineering
4. Seawater Desalination Engineering |
Track 4: Ocean Energy Development and Utilization
1. Ocean Renewable Energy- Offshore Wind Energy, Wave Energy, Tidal, Thermal Energy
3. Government & Investor Guidelines for Ocean Energy Developers |
2. Understanding Ocean Resources for Renewable Power Generation
4. Marine Fossil Energy Exploitation and Environmental Protection |
Track 5: Emerging Ocean Science and Technology
1: Breaking Marine Science & Oceanography
3. Latest Research in Marine Biology and Biotechnology 5. Marine Meteorology 7. Maritime Education |
2. Future Ocean Innovative Technologies
4. Anti-Corrosion and High Performance Materials for Ocean Industry 6. Smart Ocean |
Track 6: Ocean Management and Environment Protection
1. Advanced Ocean Observing and Detection Technology
3. Climate & Sea Level Change 5. Ocean Disaster & Emergency Response |
2. Advanced GIS & Remote Sensing Technology
4. Marine Debris, Pollution and Environment Protection 6. Ocean Sustainable Development and Ecosystem Protection |
Track 7: Smart Port, Green Shipping & Shipbuilding
1. Smart Port Planning, Management & Operation
3. Green Shipping & Shipping Sustainability 5. Modern Navigation Technologies and Innovations |
2. Modern Logistics & Supply Chain
4. Ship Design & Building, Recycling and Repair 6. Novel Ballast Water Technology |
Track 8: Marine Biotechnology Forums
1. Frontiers of Marine Biology and Biotechnology
3. Marine Industrial Biotechnology |
2. Marine Drugs
4. Marine-based Personal Care and Cosmetics |
Block 5: Business and Career Development
-New Gateway for Growth |
1. Roundtable: Business Matchmaking
2. Career Star Treck
Block 6: Social and Culture Events
-Friendship Makes Innovation Easier |
Welcome Banquet and Culture Performance
-Enjoy the Network in Our Happy Common Community |
Closing Ceremony -Farewell for a Better Tomorrow
Block 7: Exhibition and Posters
Pavilion 1: Exhibitions of Ocean Tech and Products
Pavilion 2: Young Scientist Forum and Posters of R & D
Speaking Proposals Are Now Being Accepted |
Call for Exhibitors and Sponsors |
Call for Media Partners and Journal Cooperation. |
Add: Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road, High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China
Tel: 0086-411-84799609-844, Fax: 0086-411-84796897
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