News Released
Speaking Proposals Are Now Being Accepted
Call for Exhibitors and Sponsors
Call for Media Partners and Journal Cooperation
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Hosting Organization
World High Tech Society
Media Partners
Welcome Message
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure and honor to welcome you to join the 6th World Congress of Education-2024 (WCE-2024), which is to be held in Singapore throughout November 12-14, 2024.
WCE-2024 is intended to provide professional platform for educators who are seeking and exploring effective educational method and approaches, the global education trend, societal and technological influences on education, curriculum strategies to share exchange and learn. WCE-2024 will invite world-known educators, presidents of well-known universities and licensed agencies etc. to share ideas, successful stories, and guidance. Participants of WCE-2024 will also be exposed to experts in the education industry showing their latest skills in the application of modern technology while accomplishing educational purpose.
The three-day conference comprises 20+ professional programs including National Education Leadership Summit, High Education Forum, Primary Education Forum, Preschool Education Forum, Vocational Education Forum, STEM Education Research Forum, Medical and Health Education Forum, International Edu Forum, Special Education Forum, Special Education Forum, Foreign Language Education Forum, Social Science Education Forum, Posters and Cultural Social Activities etc. There will also be an exhibition running simultaneously with the conference, which will provide an ideal platform to showcase your new technologies and products in Singapore.
Finally I hope that the WCE-2024 will be a brilliant opportunity for you to deepen your understanding of education industry and realize the needs and demands. I look forward to meeting you in Singapore!
Sincerely Yours,
Xiaodan Mei, Ph.D.
Executive Chair of WCE-2024
President, BIT Group Global Ltd
Hosting Organization
Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA (Dalian Branch)
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