★ Scientific Program



Keynote Forum

Call for Moderator

Speeches and Speakers

Ø  Title: Reflection Interference Contrast Microscopy (RICM): Enabling Nano-scale Imaging

Dr. Sushanta K. Mitra, Executive Director, University of Waterloo, Canada

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Gerhard Klimeck, Professor, Purdue University, USA

Ø  Title: Atomistic Simulation of Current at the Nanoscale

Dr. Mark R. Hoffmann, Professor, University of North Dakota, USA

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Harry E. Ruda, Director, University of Toronto, Canada

Fellow of Royal Society of Canada, Institute of Physics, Institute of Nanotechnology, and Canadian Academy of Engineering


Theme 1: Nanoscience Frontiers

Session 1-1: Nano-bio Interface

Session 1-2: Nanomaterials for Brain-Computer Interfaces

Session 1-3: Nanoelectronics and Spintronics

Session 1-4: Nanophotonics and Plasmonics

Session 1-5: Nanocatalysis

Session 1-7: In-situ Characterization at the Nanoscale

Session 1-8: Nanotoxicology and Nanosafety

Call for Chair

Speeches and Speakers

Ø  Title: Does Arginine Aggregate Formation in Aqueous Solutions Follow Two-Step Mechanism?

Dr. Weichun Pan, Professor, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Giuseppe Forte, Professor, Università di Catania, Italy

Ø  Title: Advanced Characterization Methodology for Materials Structure and Reaction Mechanism Dynamically and Precisely Visual Detection and Determination

Dr. Jiangwei Zhang, Professor, Inner Mongolia University, China

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Mark Andrews, Professor, McGill University, Canada

Ø  Speech Opportunity Available



Session 1-6: Computation, Simulation & Modeling of Nanostructures and Nano Systems

Call for Chair

Speeches and Speakers

Ø  Title: Nanomaterials Genome Prototypes

Dr. Victor Abrukov, Professor & Head of Department of Applied Physics and Nanotechnology, Chuvash State University, Russia

Ø  Title: Enhanced Polarization, Magnetic Response and Pronounced Antibacterial Activity of Bismuth Ferrite Nanorods

Dr. Sujit Kumar Bandyopadhyay, Professor, Institute of Engineering & Management, India

Ø  Speech Opportunity Available



Theme 2: Nanotech Innovation

Session 2-1: DNA Nanotechnology

Session 2-2: Nano-AI and Nanorobotics

Session 2-3: Nanofabrication Technology

Session 2-5: Nano-Sensors, Nano-actuators and Nano-probes

Session 2-6: Nano-IoT

Session 2-7: Nanotechnology-enabled Quantum Computing and Computers

Session 2-8: Wearable Nanotech

Call for Chair

Speeches and Speakers

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Sergey Sokovnin, Professor, Institute of Electrophysics Ural Branch RAS, Russia

Ø  Title: Design Optimisation for Real-world Quantum Technologies

Dr. T. Mark Fromhold, Professor, University of Nottingham, UK

Ø  Title: Reprogramming Soft Materials Through Structural Reorganization

Dr. Qing Chen, Associate Professor, China Neutron Spallation Source, Institute of High Energy Physics, China

Ø  Speech Opportunity Available



Session 2-4: Nano-fluidics and Integrated Bio-chips

Call for Chair

Speeches and Speakers

Ø  Title: Active Non-mechanical Control of a Supersonic Flow in Different Gases

Dr. Olga A. Azarova, Leading Research Scientist of Russian Academy of Sciences & Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russia

Ø  Title: Electrokinetic Length Selection in Electrodeposition

Dr. Isaak Rubinstein, Professor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Tianyu Li, Physician, Zhejiang University, China

Ø  Speech Opportunity Available



Theme 3: New Nanomaterials

Session 3-1: Nanotubes

Session 3-3: Nanowires and Nanoelectrodes

Session 3-4: Quantum Dots

Session 3-5: Nanosensors

Session 3-6: Self-assembled Nanomaterials

Session 3-8: Bio-inspired Nanomaterials and Biomimetics

Session 3-9: Nano Metals and Nanoalloys

Session 3-10: Micro and Nano Polymers

Session 3-11: Low-Dimensional Carbon Nanomaterials

Call for Chair

Speeches and Speakers

Ø  Title: Ionic Coulomb Blockade Controls the Current in a Short Narrow Carbon Nanotube

Dr. Dmitry G. Luchinsky, Senior Research Scientist, KBR, Inc., NASA Ames Research Center, USA

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Leslie F, Founder and Managing Member, SmallTech Consulting. LLC, USA

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Eric Stuiver, Director, Deerns Deutschland GmbH, Germany

Ø  Title: Smart Devices & Appliances, Based on Concept Learning in AI/ ML

Dr. Bijan Tadayon, CEO, Z Advanced Computing, Inc. (ZAC), USA

Ø  Title: Nanoporous High Entropy Alloys: Overcoming Brittleness Through Strain Hardening

Dr. Celine Hin, Associate Professor, Virginia Tech, USA

Ø  Title: Ferroelectric Liquids on Ferroelectric Solids

Dr. Liana Lucchetti, Associate Professor, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Doina Elena Gavrila, Professor, Universities Of Bucharest, Romania

Ø  Speech Opportunity Available



Session 3-2: Nanoparticles

Call for Chair

Speeches and Speakers

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Ciprian Mihai Cirtiu, Head, Institut National de Santé Publique du Québec (INSPQ), Canada

Ø  Title: Tailored functional Nanoparticles by Polymerization Induced by Surface Plasmons

Dr. Olivier Soppera, Researcher, Institute of Materials Science of Mulhouse, France

Ø  Title: Recent Trends in Silver Nanoparticles Toxicity, Health Effects and Biomedical Applications

Dr. Jamila Kathoon Adam, Professor Head, Durban University of Technology, South Africa

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Mark A. Banash, President and Chief Scientist, Neotericon LLC, USA

Ø  Title: The Invention of Copper Cysteamine Illumination Many Areas

Dr. Wei Chen, Professor, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China

Ø  Title: Enhancing Nanoparticle Superlattices: The Impact of Soft Corona Ligands on Structural Arrangement and Optical Properties

Dr. Luigi Paduano, Professor & Deputy Director, Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II & Vice-President of the Italian Society of Neutronic Scattering, Italy

Ø  Speech Opportunity Available



Session 3-7: New Nanocomposites

Call for Chair

Speeches and Speakers

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Marek Szostak, Director, Poznan University of Technology, Poland

Ø  Title: Synthesis of Graphene Nanocomposite and Its Application for Removal of Toxicants from Water

Dr. Bharti, Researcher, Center for Fire, Explosive & Environment Safety (CFEES), Germany

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Oumarou Savadogo, Professor, Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Canada

Ø  Title: Formation of Oxidized Nanocomposite Coatings on Granular Semiconductor Surfaces and Their Effect on Charge Transfer Processes

Dr. Lutfiddin Olimov, Professor, Andijan Machine Building institute, Uzbekistan

Ø  Speech Opportunity Available



Session 3-12: New Nano-Thin Films

Call for Chair

Speeches and Speakers

Ø  Title: TBD

Mr. Calvin Yong, Commercial Director, P2i, China

Ø  Title: Viscous Dissipation Effects on the Operation Bounds of a Slot Die Coaster

Dr. Brian G. Higgins, Professor Emeritus, University of California, USA

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Wojciech Koczorowski, Associate Professor, Poznan University of Technology, Poland

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. George R. Ivanov, Associate Professor & Head, University of Architecture, Bulgaria

Ø  Speech Opportunity Available




Theme 4: Emerging Applications of Nanotechnology

Session 4-5: Nanomaterials for Electronics and Computing

Session 4-6: Nanotechnology in Chemical Industry and Fine Chemical Industry

Session 4-7: Nanotech for Environment Monitoring, Protection and Remediation

Session 4-8: Nanotech in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Call for Chair

Speeches and Speakers

Ø  Title: The Industrial Applications of One-dimensional Nanomaterials

Dr. Xinjie Zhang, President & CEO & Co-Founder, Novarials Corporation, USA

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Shuhei Tanaka, Associate Professor, Kyoto University, Japan

Ø  Speech Opportunity Available



Session 4-1: Nanopharmaceuticals and Nanomedicine

Call for Chair

Speeches and Speakers

Ø  Title: Nanosensor Systems, Nanomedicine and Mobile Wireless Electronics for Monitoring and Control of Cardiovascular Diseases and Neurological Disorders

Dr. Vijay K. Varadan, Professor Emeritus, The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Yeong-Joon Park, Professor, Department of Dental Materials, Chonnam National University, South Korea

Ø  Title: Nanotechnology in Pharmacy and the Latest Trends in Treatment

Dr. Nana Gorgaslidze, Professor, Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Jinqiang Wang, Principal Investigator, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Zhejiang University, China

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Markus Roucka, Managing Director, Vela Labs GmbH, Austria

Ø  Title: A Platform for the Development of Safe and Effective Vaccines Based on Natural Betulin

Dr. Igor V. Krasilnikov, General Director, Biotechnology Developments, LLC, Russia

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Luca Roncati, Associate Professor, Link Campus University; Adjunct Professor, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Chen-Sheng Yeh, Professor, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. George Hara, Group Chairman & CEO, DEFTA Partners, Deft Inc., USA

Ø  Speech Opportunity Available



Session 4-2: Nanomaterials for Energy Generation, Conversion, Transport and Storage

Call for Chair

Speeches and Speakers

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Thorsten Hickmann, CEO, Eisenhuth GmbH Co. KG, Germany

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Sivasambu Bohm, Royal Society Industry Fellow, Imperial College London, UK

Ø  Title: Heat exchangers Technology and Applications in Heat Exchanger Engineering

Dr. Abdeen Mustafa Omer, Associate Researcher, Energy Research Institute (ERI), UK

Ø  Speech Opportunity Available



Session 4-3: Nanotech in Agriculture and Food Industry

Dr. M Szumera, Professor, AGH University of Krakow, Poland

Speeches and Speakers

Ø  Title: Effects of Nano-Silver on Physiological and Morphological Traits in Different Crops

Dr. Layla Naim, Director of the Research and Development, Land Green and Technology, Taiwan

Ø  Title: Global Applications from Nanotechnology: Inclusion in STEM program to benefit Community

Dr. Smita Guha, Professor, St. John’s University, USA

Ø  Title: Application of Functional Oils in Dairy Products

Dr. Mohamed Rifky, Lecturer, Eastern University Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka

Ø  Title: Innovative Silicate-phosphate Glasses as Controlled-release Fertilizers

Dr. M Szumera, Professor, AGH University of Krakow, Poland

Ø  Speech Opportunity Available



Session 4-4: Nanotechnologies for Smart City and Future Transportation

Call for Chair

Speeches and Speakers

Ø  Title: The Critical Contribution of Nano Materials to the "Green" Transition of the Cement and Building Industry

Dr. Johann Plank, Professor, Technische Universität München, Germany

Ø  Title: Nano Technology to Decarbonize the Construction Industry

Dr. Peter W Weber, CEO & President, ceEntek Pte Ltd, Singapore

Ø  Title: TBD

Dr. Naiying Du, Research Council Officer, Mining and Environment Research Center, National Research Council of Canada, Canada

Ø  Speech Opportunity Available



Theme 5: Nanoengineering and Nanomanufacturing

Session 5-1: 3D/4D Printing for Nanomaterial

Session 5-2: Smart Micro & Nano Manufacturing Technologies

Session 5-3: Nanomaterials Process Modelling and Simulation

Session 5-4: Nano-biomanufacturing

Ø  Speech Opportunity Available


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American Elements, global manufacturer of high purity metal & ceramic nanopowders, semiconductor nanocrystals, & nanotechnology materials.
Chinese Talent Program

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