Online Registration

Program Layout

Hosting Organization

BIT Congress lnc.


Supporting Organizations

Call for Paper

Call for Paper

Abstract Format Download

Program Layout

Block 1: Summit

Part 1: Opening Ceremony

Part 2: Keynote Forum


Block 2: Catalysis Frontier

Path 2-1: Catalytic Theory, Mechanisms and Kinetics

Path 2-2: Catalytic Activity, Selectivity and Stability

Path 2-3: Surface and Interface Chemistry for Catalysis

Path 2-4: Design, Synthesis and Characterizations of Catalysts


Block 3: Catalytic Tech Innovation

Path 3-1: Porous Materials and Acid & Base Catalysis

Path 3-2: Homogeneous Catalysis

Path 3-3: Heterogeneous Catalysis

Path 3-4: Catalytic Oxidation

Path 3-5: Catalytic Reduction

Path 3-6: Catalyst Simulation and Modeling


Block 4: Chemical Catalysis

Path 4-1: Organometallics and Organocatalysis

Path 4-2: Metallic Catalysis

Path 4-3: Asymmetric Catalysis and Synthesis

Path 4-4: Polymerization and Catalysis

Path 4-5: Organic Synthesis

Path 4-6: Chiral and Ligands


Block 5: Catalytic Methodology and Technology

Path 5-1: Nanocatalysts and Nanocatalysis

Path 5-2: Enzyme and Biocatalysis

Path 5-3: Electrocatalysis

Path 5-4: Photocatalysis


Block 6: Applied Catalysis

Path 6-1: Catalytic Process and Reactors

Path 6-2: Catalysis for Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage

Path 6-3: Catalysis for Fossil Energy and Chemical Industries

Path 6-4: Green Environmental Catalysis


Block 7: Green Chemistry

Path 7-1: Renewable, Recyclable and Bio-materials

Path 7-2: Green Polymers and Composites

Path 7-3: Nanomaterials and Technology for Green Chemistry

Path 7-4: Green Chemistry in Clean Energy

Path 7-5: Green Chemistry in Environment

Hosting Organization

Foreign Experts Databank of SAFEA (Dalian Branch)

Abstract Format Download


Contact Us

Life Science Innovation Center BLD 3-2, 43 Torch Road, High Tech Park, Dalian, LN 116023, China

Tel: 0086-411-84799609 EXT 813

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