About WCC-2024 China

BIT's 16th Annual World Cancer Congress (WCC-2024) China will be held during September 12 to 14, 2024, in Shanghai, China.
WCC-2024 is a dedicated event where you will have the opportunity to learn about new developments in the field of cancer research, cancer therapies, and new drug trials, share aspects of your work by submitting an oral presentation, poster, or exhibition. With the participation of outstanding international experts, we hope productive discussions would stimulate new creative ideas to translate discoveries into better practice and application. We hope your participation would contribute to your professional development and relationships. Wish you enjoy the conference.



Exhibition and Poster

WCC-2024 China Summit -2024 provides an ideal platform to showcase your novel technologies and products. It is developed to offer comfort to delegates while maximizing exhibitor exposure, the coffee breaks and poster sessions will all take place in the exhibition area promoting frequent repeated opportunities for delegates to visit the exhibits.
Why Reserve a Booth at WCC-2024 China Summit -2024
• To Meet Face-to-Face with the International Movers and Shakers
• To Meet with Key Decision Marker
• To Explore Business Opportunities
• To Spotlight Advanced Technologies and Their Scientific and Commercial Applications
• To Take Advantage of the Conference's Captive Audience and Networking Opportunities within the Exhibition Hall

Exhibition Date:
Set-up date: September 11
Show dates: September 12 to 14, 2024 09:00-18:00
Place: Shanghai, China

Joint Satellite Clustering Meetings






WCC Europe Branch
Online Registration
News Released

Speaking Proposals Are Now Being Accepted

Call for Exhibitors and Sponsors

Call for Collaborative

Hosting Organization

World High Technology Society

Operating Organizations
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