The 3rd World Summit of 3D/4D Printing
★ Welcome Message

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is a great pleasure to announce that the 3rd World Congress of 3D/4D Printing (WCDP-2021) will be held from August 26-28, 2021 in Dalian, China. With a theme of "Toward Automatically Smart Manufacturing".

Initiated from 2014, WCDP is a high-level signature event, with a multi-level, wide spectrum of all-round development of 3D/4D Printing industry cooperation, High Tech Project Partnership through a series of onsite activities

WCDP-2021 aims to strengthen the technical and business ties in 3D/4D Printing industries and provide a stimulating platform for researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners to present their latest research findings, ideas, developments and applications in all aspects of 3D/4D Printing industries. After months' preparation by the organizing committee, we are proposing the ambitious and unique program which includes Opening Ceremony, Industrial Leadership Forum, World Academician Forum, High-end Leadership Dialogue, Parallel Forums, High-level overseas talent, and product research seminar, International Talent Intelligence Project Road Show, International Cooperation Forum and Project Matchmaking, Exhibition of Industry-Academia-Research Cooperation, Exhibition of High-tech, Robotics scientific and technological achievements and Welcome Banquet. The goals are to provide a lasting platform to fuel the future talents and innovators for enterprises, universities, scientific research institutes, and public institutions in the field of robotics.

In addition to the exciting program, you will be able to enjoy the culture and sights of Dalian. Dalian is a beautiful, modern and bustling city in Northern China. It has gorgeous parks and a lovely surrounding coastline, furthermore, the city is famous for seafood as well, and spring is the most pleasant season for a visit. The World-Class Dalian International Convention Center is also the main official venue for the Summer Davos-World Economic Forum. It integrates a conference, exhibition and catering functions. Beyond above, there would be also an opportunity to travel to other Chinese cities and present lectures.

We look forward to meeting you in Dalian, China!

Sincerely Yours,

Xiaodan Mei, Ph.D.
Executive Chair of WCDP-2021
President of BIT Congress Inc.



Online Registration
News Release
● Call for Session Chairs, Speakers and Attendees
● Speaking Proposals are now being Accepted, Submit the Abstract Right Now
● REGISTER NOW to secure your attendance and enjoy favorable discount    
●Call for collaborative partners, medias and journals
Hosting Organization

Information Research Center of International Talent, Ministry of Science and Technology, China

Operating Organizations

BIT Congress Inc.

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