
Hosting Organization

World High Technology Society

Overseas Cooperate Medias and Journals

Scientific Program

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3



Opening Ceremony and Plenary  Forum

Time: 09:00-12:00, July 22, 2023

Moderator To Be Confirmed Soon


Speeches and Speakers

 09:00-09:30 Speech Opportunity Available
 09:30-10:00 Title: From Structure-guided Drug Discovery in Academia to Drugs on the Market for Cancer in Astex Pharma
Dr. Tom Blundell, 
Director of Research and Professor Emeritus, University of Cambridge, UK
10:00-10:30 Title: Directed Gene Delivery Via Targeted Exosomes to Cancer
Dr. A. C. Matin, Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
10:30-11:00 Title: The Origin of Bladder Cancer
Dr. Bogdan Czerniak,
 Professor, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA


Title: TBD
Dr. Russel J. Reiter, Professor, University of Texas Health Science Center, USA
 11:30-12:00 Speech Opportunity Available


Session 101: Advances in Cancer Cell Biology

Time: 13:30-17:10, July 22, 2023


Dr. Rony SegerProfessor, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel


Speeches and Speakers


Chair's Introduction


Title: TBD
Dr. Yonglei Liu, Zhongshan Hospital Qingpu Branch, Fudan University, China


TitleThe Nuclear Translocation of ERK as a Therapeutic Target for Cancer and Inflammation
Dr. Rony SegerProfessor, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel


Title: TBD
Dr. Marika Crohns, University of Tampere, Finland


Title : Cancer-testis Antigens MAGEA Proteins are Incorporated Into Extracellular Vesicles Released by Cells
Dr. Reet Kurg, Director Professor, University of Tartu, ESTONIA


Coffee Break


Title: TBD
Dr. Severino Rey, President and CEO of Foundation for sciences and research (FORESC), Professor, Albizú University, USA


Title: Molecular Approach of Uterine Mesenchymal Tumor for Development of TherapyDr. Takuma Hayashi, Professor, National Hospital Organization Kyoto Medical Center, Japan 


Title: Claudin-1, A New Tumor Suppressor Protein in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells? 
Marine Lemesle,  Université de Lorraine, France


Title: The Molecular Signature of Metastasis in the Early Stages of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
Dr. Xinhua Zhu, Associate Professor, Northwell Health Cancer Institute, USA


Session 201: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Cancer Diagnosis

Time: 13:30-17:10, July 22, 2023

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

13:30-13:35 Chair's Introduction
13:35-14:00 Speech Opportunity Available
14:00-14:25 Title: TBD
Dr. Rebecca Hallows, Rolls-Royce, UK
14:25-14:50 Title : Field-assisted Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry for the Quantitative Evaluation of Imatinib Levels in Plasma
Dr. Pietro Traldi, Professor, Nano-inspired Biomedicine Lab., Institute of Paediatric Research - Città della Speranza, Corso Stati Uniti, Italy
14:50-15:15 Title : Bio-Spectroscopy as a Cancer Diagnostic Tool
Dr. P. Bertemes-Filho, Titular Professor, The State University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
15:15-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-15:55 Title:  Sub-THz spectroscopy for fingerprinting Biological Molecules used for early  diagnosis of cancers and presence of Coronoviruse
Dr. Tatiana Globus, Managing Director, Vibratess, LLC, USA 
15:55-16:20 Title: Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Cuban Adolescents and Young Adults with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Due To 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency
Dr. Tania Mayvel Espinosa Reyes, National Institute of Endocrinology, Cuba
16:20-16:45 Title: MultiKOC: Multi-One-Class Classifier Based K-Means Clustering
Dr. Loai Abdallah, Yezreel Valley Academic College, Israel

Title: An Effective Approach Using Ensemble Learning to Diagnose Blood Cancer
Dr. Qi Jianwei, Associate Professor, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Institute of Hematology), China


Session 301: New Anti-cancer Drug Discovery, Design, and Optimization

Time: 13:30-17:10, July 22, 2023

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

13:30-13:35 Chair's Introduction
13:35-14:00 Title: Technologies to Improve the Specificity and Activity of Novel Anticancer Agents
Dr. Mark Krul, Professor, Aglaia Oncology Fund II, The Netherlands
14:00-14:25 Title : Allosteric Protein Degraders in the Fight Against Cance
Dr. Vehary Sakanyan, Professor, University of Nantes, France
14:25-14:50 Title : Anti Cancer : Rational Design by Trojan Horse Strategy 
Dr. Nohad Al Omar, College of Pharmacy, Knowledge university, Iraq
14:50-15:15 Title: TBD
Dr. Zvi  Naor, Professor, Tel Aviv University, Israel
15:15-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-15:55 Title: Graphene/PU/PMMA Composite for Designing of Prostheses: Effect of Blood Flow on Composite at Several Temperatures
Dr. Norma-Aurea Rangel-Vazquez, Instituto Tecnologico de Aguascalientes, Mexico
15:55-16:20 Title: TBD
Dr. Dagmara Baraniak, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Pozna��, Poland
16:20-16:45 Title: TBD
Dr. Michael H. Shaw, Takeda Pharmaceuticals International Co., USA

Title: Molecular iodine in chemoresistant cancers

Dr. Carmen Aceves, Universidad Nacional Autómona de México, México


Session 401: Gynecologic Cancer

Time: 13:30-17:10, July 22, 2023

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

13:30-13:35 Chair's Introduction
13:35-14:00 Title: TBD
Dr. Felix JC, Professor and Vice Chair Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
14:00-14:25 Title: TBD
Dr. Michał Kiełbik, Institute of Medical Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
14:25-14:50 Title: TBD
Dr. Raffaele Tinelli, Malzoni Medical Center, Italy
14:50-15:15 Title: Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy With Quick Cisplatin-VP 16 Followed by Robotic Radical Trachelectomy in Stage 1B2 Cervical Cancer
Dr. Joo Hee Yoon, Professor, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea
15:15-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-15:55 Title: TBD
Dr. Nash S. Moawad, Associate Professor, University of Florida College of Medicine, USA
15:55-16:20 Title: TBD
Dr. Ekaterini Domali, University of Athens School of Medicine, Alexandra Hospital, Greece
16:20-16:45 Title: TBD
Dr. Ilaria Betella, European Institute of Oncology IRCCS, Italy
17:45-17:10 Title: Multimodal Therapy of Primary Ovarian Cancer
Dr. Michael Friedrich
, Professor, Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe, Germany



Session 402: Breast Cancer

Time: 13:30-17:10, July 22, 2023


Dr. Peiying Yang, Associate Professor, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA


Speeches and Speakers


Chair's Introduction


Title: Ultra-hypofractionation Radiotherapy with SIB in Early Breast Cancer: Clinical Implementation
Dr. Jaume Fernández, Genesis care Spanish Radiation department Unities


Title: The Prognostic Value of Immunohistochemical Expression of PD1 and PD-L1 on Tumor Cells and Tumor-Infiltrating Stromal Immune Cells in Primary Breast Cancer
Dr. Agnes Bankfalvi, Professor, University Clinic of Essen, Germany


Title: TBD
Dr. Pierre Bénédict, Directtor, Institut de radiologie, Switzerland


Title: Supporting and Empowering Breast Cancer Patients through their Trajectory – the Israeli Experience
Dr. Miri Ziv, Vice Chairman, Israel Cancer Association, Israel


Speech Opportunity Available


Coffee Break


Title: TBD
Dr. Ora Rosengarten, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Israel


Title : Sugar and Breast Cancer: What we Have Learned
Dr. Peiying Yang, Associate Professor, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA


Title : Choriocarcinoma Following Live Birth: Is It a Delay in Diagnosis or Ignorance of the Disease
Mr. Radhouane Achour, Associate Professor, El-Manar University of Tunis, Tunisia


Title: Female Students’ Knowledge, Beliefs, Attitude and Practice of Breast Self-Examination in a University in the Western Cape
Dr. Mavis Bobie Ansah, Oncology Nurse Specialist, Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, 



Session 501: Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics

Time: 13:30-17:10, July 22, 2023

Chair Dr. Thomas Boldicke, Project Leader, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Germany


Speeches and Speakers

13:30-13:35 Chair's Introduction
13:35-14:00 Title: Therapeutic Potential of Intrabodies for Cancer Immunotherapy: Current Status and Future Directions
Dr. Thomas Boldicke, Project Leader, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Germany
14:00-14:25 Title: TBD
Dr. Dorit Avni, Sphingolipids, MIGAL - Galilee Research Institute, Israel
14:25-14:50 Title: Novel Targeted Therapies For Lymphoma
Dr. Lapo Alinari, The Ohio State University Medical Center, USA
14:50-15:15 Title: Characteristics, Management, and Prognostic Implications of Adverse Effects of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: A Systematic Review.
Dr. G. Juan-Carpena, Hospital General Universitario de Alicante, Spain
15:15-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-15:55 Title: Combined Blockade of MEK and PI3KCA as an Effective Antitumor Strategy in HER2 Gene Amplified Human Colorectal Cancer Models
Dr. Valentina Belli, Università Degli Studi Della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" Italy
15:55-16:20 Title : Stromal Reprogramming with Translatable Nanomedicines Overcomes Checkpoint Blockade and Chemotherapy Resistance in Pancreatic Cancer
Dr. Hiroaki Kinoh, Innovation Centre of NanoMedicine, Japan
16:20-16:45 Title : Nanostructure Empowers Active Tumor Targeting in Ligand�\Based Molecular Delivery
Dr. Ramón Mangues, Creu i Sant Pau, Spain
17:45-17:10 Title : Update in Urothelial Carcinoma; What’S New 
Dr. Emmanuel Seront, Universití Catholique de Louvain, Belgium


Session 601: Cancer Rehabilitation, Cancer Nursing and Care

Time: 13:30-17:10, July 22, 2023

Chair Call for Chair


Speeches and Speakers

13:30-13:35 Chair's Introduction
13:35-14:00 Title: TBD
Dr. Jacqueline T. Norrell, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, USA
14:00-14:25 Title : Dermocosmetic Management of the Skin Adverse Effects in Oncology Patients
Dr. Athanasia Varvaresou, Professor, University of West Attica, Greece
14:25-14:50 Speech Opportunity Available
14:50-15:15 Title: TBD
Dr. Penny Daugherty, Oncology Nurse Navigator, 
Northside Hospital Cancer Institute, USA
15:15-15:30 Coffee Break

Title: Improving Cancer MDT performance in Western Sydney – Three Years’ Experience

Dr. Lynleigh Evans, Senior Medical Advisor, Western Sydney Local Health District, Australia

15:55-16:20 Title: The Short Affection of Radiotherapy Interruption
Dr. Xiangpan Li, Director of the Department of Radiotherapy, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, China
16:20-16:45 Title Improving Medication Adherence and Symptom Management in Patients with Cancer 
Dr. Carla Schaefer, Associate Chief Nursing Officer, The State University of New Jersey, USA
17:45-17:10 Speech Opportunity Available



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